viking river cruises

  1. Viking Jarl Tour and Review | Viking Cruises | Christmas Markets Cruise | Cruise Review

    Viking Jarl Tour and Review | Viking Cruises | Christmas Markets Cruise | Cruise Review

    Come along with Cruise Addicts as we travel with Viking River Cruises along their Romantic Danube itinerary for this special Christmas Markets cruise.
  2. Rhine River Locks Time Lapse - Aboard Viking Cruises

    Rhine River Locks Time Lapse - Aboard Viking Cruises

    The first of many Rhine River Locks during our Mini-Cruise aboard Viking Einar. Viking Cruises currently has seventy-two river ships sailing the world's rive...
  3. Viking Cruise Moment: Returning to Viking Einar along the Rhine River | Viking Cruises

    Viking Cruise Moment: Returning to Viking Einar along the Rhine River | Viking Cruises

    #VikingCruises #Viking #MyVikingStory #cruises We returned to the Viking Einar and were greeted by the crew. We have learned to really enjoy these special mo...
  4. Viking Cruise Moment: Exclusive Organ Concert at Strasbourg Cathedral | Viking Cruises

    Viking Cruise Moment: Exclusive Organ Concert at Strasbourg Cathedral | Viking Cruises

    #VikingCruises #VikingRiverCruise #Strasbourg During our Viking Cruise cruise aboard Viking Einar, we were treated to an exclusive organ concert and tour of ...
  5. Romantic Danube - Viking Cruises, Viking Jarl

    Romantic Danube - Viking Cruises, Viking Jarl

    Our flight from Tampa, FL to Frankfurt was the start of our trip.
  6. John

    A Viking River Cruise on the Danube River through Europe by Cailin O'Neil

    Highlights from the on shore excursions of the Romantic Danube Viking River Cruise from Nuremberg, Germany to Budapest, Hungary in December 2014. To learn more about my trip visit my site: Music: Strolling Through from the YouTube music library Music Jazz in Paris from...
  7. John

    Tips for Visiting European Christmas Markets

    During the month of December many cities and towns throughout Europe are filled with festive traditional Christmas Markets. While on the Romantic Danube River Cruise with Viking River Cruises we sailed along the Danube River from Nuremberg, Germany to Vienna, Austria, ending in Budapest, Hungary...