Holland America Blog
Safety Officer
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Exactly as planned the cruise ship parade entered Ketchikan and docked at their respective berths. By 07.30 all gangways were in and approx. 8000 eager invaders could descend on the town. About evenly split out between those going on tour first and those going on tour later. A big attraction is the local lumberjack show which highlights how logging was done in the past with a sort of competition element added to it. This show has been around for a while and has so much appeal that Holland America has its own lumberjack on board.* I did not get the chance to see him in action but the one we have was a world champion axe thrower sometime in the past and part of his stage show is letting the guests have a go at it as well.* Ketchikan lived up to its expectation of the rainy capital of the world and for most of the day a steady rain and drizzle ensured that the town will keep the record for next year as well.* My morning was taken up with organizing the weekly fire drill and as it was being held in port, we opted for putting a public room on fire — simulated — that is.* When we drill on sea days we use locations away from the guest areas but with nearly all the guests ashore there is the chance to train dealing with a public room emergency.* The drill itself takes about 30 minutes, preparing a lot longer. (The faster the drill goes, the quicker it means that the teams have secured an area and extinguished the fire, or whatever emergency we were simulating) My good friend Murphy has a representative on each Cruise ship in the world and one needs all his experience to be cleverer than he is. So it starts a few days before by arranging with the Event Manager to have a space available. This time I wanted to use the Cinema/ Wajang Theatre/Culinary Operations Center, our multi purpose entertainment area. It would not do if there was a cooking demonstration going […]
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Exactly as planned the cruise ship parade entered Ketchikan and docked at their respective berths. By 07.30 all gangways were in and approx. 8000 eager invaders could descend on the town. About evenly split out between those going on tour first and those going on tour later. A big attraction is the local lumberjack show which highlights how logging was done in the past with a sort of competition element added to it. This show has been around for a while and has so much appeal that Holland America has its own lumberjack on board.* I did not get the chance to see him in action but the one we have was a world champion axe thrower sometime in the past and part of his stage show is letting the guests have a go at it as well.* Ketchikan lived up to its expectation of the rainy capital of the world and for most of the day a steady rain and drizzle ensured that the town will keep the record for next year as well.* My morning was taken up with organizing the weekly fire drill and as it was being held in port, we opted for putting a public room on fire — simulated — that is.* When we drill on sea days we use locations away from the guest areas but with nearly all the guests ashore there is the chance to train dealing with a public room emergency.* The drill itself takes about 30 minutes, preparing a lot longer. (The faster the drill goes, the quicker it means that the teams have secured an area and extinguished the fire, or whatever emergency we were simulating) My good friend Murphy has a representative on each Cruise ship in the world and one needs all his experience to be cleverer than he is. So it starts a few days before by arranging with the Event Manager to have a space available. This time I wanted to use the Cinema/ Wajang Theatre/Culinary Operations Center, our multi purpose entertainment area. It would not do if there was a cooking demonstration going […]
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