2 for 1 Carnival Cruise?



Hi you guys,

I am planning a cruise with my best friend and I am a super bargin hunter...lol. I was on ebay and a seller was auctioning off these 2 for 1 Brochures for Carnvial Cruises. You buy one at the carnival price and you get to bring a person for free. I got out bid by 8 cents!

Do you know where you can get this brochure/magazine? Does anyone have one that you want to sell?


Are you sure this is real? I would check with Carnival before I bought anything like that from Ebay.


The key is the wording below the photo scans of the brochure:

"This coupon can not be combined with Current Reservations, the low Super Saving Rates Or any other Promotions!!" And I don't hing that is a Carnival coupon -- just made to look like one.

I'll bet you have to buy at or near the "brochure rate". For example the brochure rate for a 7 day Legend interior rate is $1899. The "super saver" rate is $699. So "2 for 1" would not be such a deal. If this is your first cruise, shop several local travel agents and get prices from each. Let them know that price is important. You should find one that will work with you. Also go to several of the on-line sources on the Cruise-Addicts site and check prices. Send me a pm message and I'll offer some other suggestion.


Yup, just what jcarroll said! Those two for one coupons have been marketed for several years on ebay and other sites. They are a complete and total ripoff!!!!!!


Yep. One of my friends who I thought was more intelligent bought one of those from ebay. She ended up paying more than what it would have cost to book two cruises! She paid something like $1600, and the two cruises would have cost her only $1300.

You're very lucky you were beat out by 8 cents!

Go by a travel agency (or call Carnival 800 number) and ask for one of their new brochures. There's always the 'list price' and the 'super saver price'. NOBODY pays the list price.

Find a cruise you'd like to go on. Check a few sources. Check with a local travel agency, an online agency, and also call Carnival and speak with a PVP (Personal Vacation Planner). You're under no obligation to book with any of them, just check the rates. Make sure you ask for the bottom line price, as some agencies give you a quote, then say "oh yes, then we add the port charges and taxes." Carnival PVP will give you the rock bottom price. When you speak with a PVP, ask about any specials that are going on at the time.....like state of residency discount, or past guest discount. They are out there...and sometimes you just have to ask.

Once you're armed with all the information from the different booking agencies, including Carnival, then you'll be ready to make an intelligent decision as to with whom to book. Good luck.


Boy you aint kidding-- 8 cents sure did save you tons of money.
Youcould cruised with us on the Destiny for under 1000 for both of you. Brochure rate for the same cruise is 2200....buy one get one free... theperson did you a huge favor.. PLUS the free person must pay port and government taxes on the free part.

Shame onthis person selling that for over 25.00


I always call carnival it self and talk to them.

Things to ask is are all charges included in the price they give you?
Carnival willl give you total price with port fees and taxs (just ask if its all fees either way you go)

I have checked in to travel agents and yes most of the time you can find better price but the down side is what you pay for is always what you get no upgrading for they are group rates and will not get anything more the the group rate.

I book with the same person evertime i take a cruise so you will build up a relationship with that person.



thanks you guys!

WOW that 8cents really did save me a lot of money

I was thinking the same thing when I first saw the ad, so I had went to carnival.com to see what I THOUGHT were the "regular prices" but I guess those are super savers?

Thanks guys, I dont feel bad about it AT ALL anymore!


Be glad you didn't win the bid. The guy was selling Bogus vouchers I know because I got one...errrrrrr!