4 day Navigator - ShowTimes & Karoake



We will be on the Navigator in a few weeks for a 4 day cruise to Western Caribbean. Was on Explorer last year and know our way 'round the ship. As hubby and I would like to experience their two optional restaurants this time, I'd like to make the reservations when we get onboard and have 2 questions.

(1) Does anyone know what evenings / times the shows are each evening, including when the ice skating one(s) are? And (2), my "Wish I was an American Idol" hubbie missed out on the Karoake competition. Does anyone know the details on this? We were told you had to be participating in it from the first night....

Thank you !


Well I just came off the 4 day Navigator cruise last month so let me see if I can help.

The show times change each evening. For example the first night there was only 1 show, the welcome aboard show put on between early and late seating. I believe it started at 8pm, which was kind of a rush if you had early seating. The second night was the first big production number, there were two shows, right after each dining seating. So I want to say there was one at 8:30 and 10:30 or something similar. The third night was a comedian, one show only for early seating only at about 9pm. Afterwards on this night was Quest and the Midnight Buffet. The last night was the final big production number, which also had two shows this night. Except the late seating had their show before dinner at about 7pm and the early seating had their show after dinner at about 9pm.

Unfortunately there was no big talent competition on this cruise, probably because it was too short. They did have Karaoke on some nights but I don't think they did any big American Idol like events.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Wow - thank you for this great info - it really will help us figure out what we're doing. Very much appreciated!


Oops, forgot one question - did they have any ice shows during your cruise? If so, what night and time? Thanks!


Sorry - a few more question!

What is Quest?
Do you rember which night may have had lobster?



Yes there was an ice show, it was on about 3 different times during the cruise. There was one afternoon show and 2 evening shows so you can go to which ever works best for your schedule. Tickets were not required on the Navigator, just show up at the door 15-30 minutes before show time to get a seat.

Quest is a not to be missed adult themed game show scavenger hunt. It was hilarious and I definitely recommend you check it out, if not to participate just to laugh at your fellow cruisers!

And finally to everyones disappointment the Navigator of the Seas does not serve lobster on the 4 night cruises. Sorry but I asked my waiter and he told me to go fishing off the back of the ship!


We LOVE quest. The first time I "volunteered" to be a team leader. Susan knew what it was about but I didn't. What a HOOT. Come to think about it that was on Navigator of the Seas.


Hey JetBlue, What did you do when you were in Cozumel? Last time I was there (years ago) we went on a bus ride to Tulem. Personal needs have changed and we simply want to go strolling and shopping, but not like we were tourists off the ship! Do you happen to have any recommendations for either a personal guide that could drive us to Tulem or betters streets to walk on? My husband has had a stroke a while back. Is mobile, but he cannot be in the heat too long (no bus trips); can't walk too much (need specific destinations in mind versus "strolling" and hoping for the best) and although I understand all the reasonings behind it, I don't want to keep on having to say 'No" when I am concentrating on my husband's wellbeing.
To be honest, I told hubbie we should just stay on board...... This weekend is for us to really just be stressfree. As always, appreciate your comments


We just went to Playa Mia and I went Parasailing. We spent most of the day at the beach so we really didn't go sight seeing in Cozumel. The ship offered several shore excursions that took you through the city. Other than that I'm not really sure about it because I never really looked into it.