Ashella..... An AG cabin is the lowest level of suites on the Norway, which is a very good selection! I don't understand why you call it the run of the house?!! It is a suite with oceanview and or balcony , you get special amenities with these suites, which also include concierge service. You chose a wonderful level of stateroom.
I recently received news from a website that gave more information about the extension of the damage. According to "Raoul and Beyond" a cruise website, they stated that although the hull of the Norway was not damaged, the integrity of some of the water tight compartments are no longer secured, meaning the seal to protect water from coming in was damaged, due to the buckled bulkhead. The boiler of course was totalled, and some of the crew's quarters above the boiler room were damaged.
My own personal opinion is that I believe that they will repair the Norway, but it will take a while not only to repair, but just the fact they need so many parts to repair the damage. I too have a sailing on the Norway on the September 14th date. I am worried even about my sailing and whether they will be done on time. ( My TA says I worry too much!!) All I can say is that they are aware of how many millions they are losing just by not sailing, so they will move as quick as possible in order to get her floating again. Don't you think that although they didn't know how much damage there was at first, the last announcement of cancelling the first 2 weeks of June sailings tells me that they know more about the time it will take to repair things? I think they know approximately how long, but there is no guarantee. Also, they would not cancel a sailing IF there was a possiblity it COULD sail, that is why they probably chose another 2 weeks. I am not at all an expert at this, so please don't take all this to heart. I would be pleasantly surprised if they were to resume by the end of June, but I am not optomistic that they will.
I can suggest that if you still want to sail on those dates, then just be prepared to call your TA as soon as you hear your sailing date is cancelled. I know I am going to be prepared. I want to know what other choice I will have in case my date is cancelled.
Post Edited (06-03-03 13:02)