8/12 Conniecat Update


Staff Captain
I just got off the phone with Conniecat. She seemed to be in good spirits but is having more health problems on top of what she has already.

She has a UTI from the cathater at the hospital. She also has a fever and congestion and is coughing. They popped in while we were on the phone to say they were going to be taking her in a little while for a chest X-Ray. Her pulse OX is down. She just doesn't need this on top of all her other problems.

The doctor is going to try something for her legs and they are still exploring options for her heart. She has therapy twice a day. She said she is not progressing too well with the therapy due to the new health issues. She also was heartbroken because her son was supposed to bring her beloved kitties for a visit on Sunday but wasn't able. He is now hoping to bring them by on Friday but she doesn't think he will be able to catch Mr. Simon. She misses her furbabies something awful. She told me she calls home at night to tell them goodnight over the answering machine. I really feel bad for her.

I read her the posts under her updates. I will try to call her again as I know the days have to be long for her. I will post an address for where cards can be sent.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update. I pray that an appropriate treatment is found soon. Hugs.


Staff Captain
So sorry she is having all of these problems but from posts she made before going into the hospital I knew she wasn't doing well on her own at home. Hopefully with the constant medical attention she is now receiving she will start to see some improvement soon. I know how important her kitties are to her so I truly hope she can return home soon. Wishing her a speedy recovery.


Staff Captain
Thanks for updating.....I was hoping to do a search and hear she was doing much better! Get those kitties in to see her.....bet they do wonders for her health....get better Connie...I miss your wonderful photos and you!


Staff Captain
Whimsy, it was so nice of you to call CC and give us an update. Please tell Connie I am thinking of her constantly and pray everything is "right" in her world again very soon. I truly miss her on the board.


1st Officer - Navigation
I simply hate it when bad things continue to happen to very good people. Hang in there Connie!


Trivia Specialist
This just makes me want to sit down and :bawl: ! I sure wish connie could get to have a visit with the cats...it would make a huge difference to her.

Thank you so much Whimsy for calling connie. I'm sure it cheered her tremendously. Keep sending my love and hugs and wishes for seeing improvement and getting on the road to recovery soon!


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Thank you for the update on Connie. I thought about her often last week and kept sending up prayers for her recovery.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thank you for the update.

That cough doesn't sound good.

Still saying prayers for her.

Miss her pictures.