8/20 conniecat update

Scrapbook Lady

Finally got to talk to Connie..........she said to tell everyone hi!! Her son has not brought the cats over yet. She has no idea when she is going to get to go home. THe pneumonia is getting better.

Last night she had an insulin reaction and had to eat a turkey sandwich and something that was orange flavored. YUCK!!! Her DR appointment has been cancelled....aparently she would be part of a clinical trial.....but to qualify you can't have anything else wrong with you. Her diabetic condition is keeping her from that. She might qualify for another study group in the fall of the year. One half of the group has the cath. proceedure done and the other is treated with cumidin. So for now they are working on the physical therapy.

Gramma Ann

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thanks for the update. We're still keeping our fingers and toes crossed, hoping a dr will come forward. Until then, I guess she is where she can get the best help.

Sure miss her postings tho.:bawl:


Staff Captain
Thanks, Scrapbook Lady for keeping us updated on Connie. We miss her soooo much. I do hope she can get back home soon.

Keeping prayers for Connie to get well again...


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update on Connie. Sure good to read that she is beginning to show improvement. I miss her stories and pictures of her cats.



1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update. Sure do miss her pictures and adventures with the mighty three cats.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update. I have been wanting to call but have been buried with work. All I have free some days is late at night and while I know she is a night owl they might not appreciate the late night calls there. I'm sorry to hear she is still without seeing her kitties. I do hope her son finds some time to bring them by soon.


Forever Remembered
I, too, am glad there is some improvement. Thank you for the update.

Please tell her I send hugs and prayers from aboard Sea Princess. I certainly hope she can get to see her kitties soon.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thanks for the update.

Hope Connie's pneumonia soon goes away completely.

Sure wish she would get to see her cats.

Saying prayers for her.

connie seabee

Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
I too have been thinking about Connie and hope she recovers soon. I just put a card out in the mail to send her. Hopefully her son will be able to bring the cats up to see her, we all know that would cheer her up. Hugs and good thoughts for Connie.


Staff Captain
Thank goodness the pneumonia is improving, that is a huge relief. I continue to send the best of wishes to Conniecat and hope that she is home sooner than later. (((HUGS)))


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update, sorry she hasn't been able to see the furbabies yet. Hopefully with more PT she will soon be able to go home to be with her babies.
Prayers & good thoughts continue.


Safety Officer
Thanks for the update! I think about her everyday and wonder how her furbabies are surviving without her.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update on Connie....keeping those prayers flying her way. Do hope she gets to go home soon!

Scrapbook Lady

Bot having access to the internet is painful for her. She said that she found a computer in the other wing. Its first come first serve. So hopefully she will be able to make a posting soon.


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update. I too have thought of Connie every day and sure do miss her pictures and funny stories.