Advice on ground transportation from Vancouver to Seattle?


Forum Manager
Staff member
No and yes. :)..... Amtrak would be my choice. There are several Buses besides Greyhound though, so hence the no. Easily found on the google to compare. Drop off Places would be important. Train ride is quite scenic and IF they are running a full compliment of cars usually a choice of service is offered. Oh and you could fly but I would never do that. If you are in travel mode and up for it. A BUS from Vancouver
to The Victoria Ferry and onto Victoria itself would hook you up with the Fast Ferry Clipper from Victoria Harbour to Seattle.


Staff Captain
I have done both train and bus between Seattle and Vancouver. I prefer the train because of the view and the fact you are not held up as long at the border. Keep in mind if you take the train that some of the times booked through the train you actually take a bus. There are only a few trips a day that are actually taken on the train even though they all start at the depot and end at the depot. There are other buses that do start and end at different places.


Deck Crew
We booked one-way, opposite direction (Seattle to Vancouver) on Amtrak for July.
There is only one train that goes non-stop and leaves Seattle at 8:30 am. Would think you could get the nonstop train leaving Vancouver? It’s a 4 hr ride nonstop. Otherwise you’ll be making quite a few stops.