Afternoon Tea



I've read about the afternoon tea somewhere, but was hoping that someone might be able to describe it in luscious detail. Where is tea served, and must one dress for it? Thanks,


When my husband and I sailed on Galaxy in 2002 the casual tea was served in the buffet area . The elegant tea was somewhere other we were not able to attend any of these but you do have to dress like smart casual.

They served the typical finger sandwiches, assorted teas, all sorts of sweets!! We liked it very much. If I remember correctly the time was around 4:30 - 5:30 or something like that.

I will definitely find out in March as we are sailing on Summit and plan to partake in every tea that is served.

Post Edited (02-22-04 17:04)


The tea is wonderful. We had the late dinner seating so we could especially partake. As stated little finger sandwiches. Great pastries-fruit tarts.........Never missed it.Small bits so you can taste and enjoy!


On the Millie, tea was served each day at 4:30 PM in the Ocean cafe. Great pastries, small sandwiches. It was a very casual affair with the exception of the friday Elegant Tea in the Metropolitan. Jackets were required for men, white glove service. Very snazzy. You will love it.

Les and Shirley

Regarding dress code,
For the everyday teas, available in the buffet area, you should dress as you would for either breakfast or lunch in this area. Rougly interpreted, the buffet area rules are "you are not supposed to be dripping wet," and "wear a coverup over your bikini." This second rule is for the benefit of us old guys who don't want to choke to death from gasping and inhaling a chunk of food as a pretty young thing walked by. Do not get mad at me for this comment. I am not a sexist, I am just a DOM (dirty old man).
For the grand tea, served in the main dining room, again observe their dress rules for breakfast or lunch. No tee shirts or swim suits.
The daily "formal, informal, casual" dress code doesn't apply until 6:00 pm. The teas are over by then. For the grand teas, the staff dress code always exceeds that of the clients.