Age Group



No, you always will find a good variation of age groups on Celebrity. I am 34 my wife 35 and we have sailed on Galaxy each of the last two years and have found a good mix. There has been no problem with Celebrity putting us at tables with people our own age. We also sailed on the Century last year, once again with a good mix. Celebrity's target pasengers are 35 and up, so yo don't have the frat house feel you can get with some cruise lines. We did the Galaxy's 10 day cruise and to put it simply, have never had a better cruise. And my wife is a vetran cruise of 12 trips. Enjoy


No. What would be wrong with the older group? It all depends on the number of nights and the time of year that determine the demographics of age.

If you go on a 9+ night cruise in January, May, September, October and some of November it is going to be an older crowd whereas during the Christmas two weeks, spring break, and summer, it will be younger with families.