Ahoy Afters…TGIF



Ahoy there all ye afters, the weekend is upon us. No plans for me this weekend..we will be taking it as it comes. I do have a few things to do around the house to finish up in the Christmas decorating department. Also will probably take in one of the Grandkid’s indoor soccer games…can’t do all three at once unfortunately :( I am sure dinner out will be in the mix somewhere ;)

Not much new. Been busy at work so it helped make this full week go by quickly. I had so many short work weeks the past few I didn’t think I’d make it :lol

Weird dream last night….I have acrylic overlays on my nails. I dreaded that one of the overlays came off. LOL I wake up this morning and my right thumb, half of the overlay is missing! Means a stop at the nail shop on my way home tonight.

That’s about ll new here. Hope everyone has a great day and are looking forward to their weekend.


Good Morning Denise and Afters. TGIF. I have lots to do this weekend to get ready for Christmas. And lots of housework also.

It is cold here and will have a warm up by Tuesday they say. But the mountains are supposed to get 1 to 3 feet of snow today and tomorrow. They say nothing here but flurries tonight. I never know when to believe these weather forecasters. LOL

Worked late last night never got home until after 7. Just before bed at ten I was throwing another load of laundry in and switching one to the dryer and the washer lid came slamming down on my pinky finger. ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee. LOL It is bruised , today will be tough to type but it is OK. You know what they say Haste Makes Waste. And makes owies too! :grin It's just a Connie/Judy sort of thing.

One of my directors needs to drop his car off for repair today, so I have to pick him up this morning which means getting on the road earlier. So I guess I should boogie.

Everyone have a good day and enjoy your weekend. I sure hope it doesn't snow much here!


Good morning all... today's my Monday. Hope everybody has a great weekend :thumb

Cruise cutie

Good Morning Gang..TGIF!! I am off but my house needs attention, and I have my letter to tweak for Cards, and we have guests for munchies, and playing cards/ board games.. tomorrow night, and I am 7-3PM tomorrow.. so today has to be shake down, and get stuff done day as Sunday I relax.

The sun is out shining but it's sure cold..last night the wind howled.. got to relax and watch some TV.. not really productive in the chores end.. but since it had been 3 days since Mark had seen me.. it worked.
Hope you all have a good Friday..:daisy.. and take care where the weather is yuck...:)..Joanne


My Monday also. Going in tonight at 11:00 pm. Off at 11:00 am. Same thng on Saturday. Then, I'm off until next Friday.

Still working on getting Mom transferred to an adult foster care. Have found a good one, that's affordable. Now it's just a matter of getting her rehabillitated to the point that she will be accepted there. Hoping that will take place before Christmas. Wish us luck.


Morning everyone,watched the Packer game last night and Favres usual interception game,thought Rodgers did real well getting back the 14 points we lost due to Favre plus 3 but too little too late,still a good game but home field advantage for the playoffs if we make it is out the window,oh well!

Snow for tonight here,have frost on the ground right now,but it is cold!

Everyone have a great weekend!