Airport duty free question please


3rd Officer
Can I buy and take Duty Free purchases when landing in Italy? Or is it the other way around? I've only needed to buy duty free cigarettes once in an airport, and I can't recall whether I couldn't have them because I was staying or leaving. I'm used to Celebrity, where you can buy cartons of duty free Newports on board and TAKE THEM and smoke them!! The other lines "hold" them until you disembark.

Rome is the only city large enough to carry Newports, and I'm afraid if I can't pick them up there, I won't find them elsewhere.



3rd Officer
Never mind - no one ever here, so googled it

"You can usually shop in duty-free stores only immediately before you leave a country (including your own country); when travelling by air, you're usually asked to show your boarding pass as proof that you're about to take a flight out of the country."


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member


3rd Officer
Hey, the new site is difficult enough without being berated for posting a question! Give us a DELETE POST option and problem solved!


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member


3rd Officer
Bob, I can't even find the text formatting, my notifications aren't arriving, etc. I just found several pals responded to me a week ago...never got notification. When I get private messages, nothing. I'm only on here briefly because I'm setting sail time to reinvent the wheel for me, but thanks anyway.