Alaska on the Amsterdam



I am just about to send in the remaining money for my August 1st Alaskan crusie on the Amsterdam and I am full of questions.

1st is there anyone out there who has recently sailed on this ship and can give their opinions about the food, the service, etc.?

2nd has anyone been affected by the Norwalk virus? I just read that they had an unususl number of cases just this past week on the Amsterdam.

3rd we are booked for several excursions including the Sea Otters in Sitka, the Fly Fishing in Ketchikan and the Victoria wine tour. Has anyone experienced any of these?

Thanks for your feedback!


I brought this reply from the HAL board also:

I have a group going on the July 25th sailing of the Amsterdam (about 30) ! Many of the participants have sailed in our group in the past and some are first time cruisers! We all are very excited about the upcoming trip!

Several of us have booked the Sitka Sea Otter and Wildlife Quest also.

In Victoria I believe many of us are going to the Gardens since they will be having Saturday evening fireworks.

I did quite a bit of research prior to selecting The Amsterdam for our ship and the feedback I received was quite positive. I also felt Glacier Bay was a must!

As far as viruses are concerned let's face it.. many ships have had the problem. Good handwashing is a must. Many of the group members are nurses so we understand what it is all about!! There are some products you can buy for hand sanitizing that could be helpful and convenient.


In the meantime I researched recent outbreaks of the Norwalk virus and it seems the Pacific Northwest area has had some recent outbreaks so my guess is a passenger brought it onboard.