Alaska Packing List


Marion Paris

Does anyone have a packing list they use to pack for ALaska?

I really am clueless about what to bring, my husband is also confused.

I have a cruise closet. Usually packing is simple and easy, don't have to put any thought into it or go out and by anything new - I have everything I need. :dance

Not the case this time. I will leave my bathing suit home (Regal Princess doesn't have an indoor pool) and pack some sweaters I guess.................

If you have a packing list please share it, it will be most appreciated.


First off do not leave the bathing suit at home because there can be days that get into the mid and high 70's, there was when we were on this past May and many people were sunbathing and in the outdoor pools.

Yes bring some shorts and t-shirts, however also bring long pants, sweaters and sweatshirts. Bring rain gear because there will be a big chance of rain in Ketchikan. Dress in layers in Alaska because the weather can change a couple times during the day so it could be cool and than very warm in the same day.

Bring comfortable shoes for walking.

Alaska is my favorite place to cruise and yes most people need a few more sets of warm clothes than shorts and t-shirts but it does get warm enough to wear shorts, t-shirts and swim in the pools many days. Alaska cruising is NOT as cold as many people think due to the ocean currents.


Just got back yesterday and we had great weather. Didn't rain at all in Ketchikan. Colder place was on the ship (especially at the front of the ship) near the glaciers. I port you can get by with jeans and a long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt and sometimes a t-shirt. I carried a rain jacket as well that I just tied around my waist when I got hot.


You really do not need to pack alot of special stuff. Make sure you have something to protect from rain - cheap jackets work fine. Have a sweatshirt or two for chilly days or nights.

BUT - you can wear things more than once. Unlike the more southern trips where you sweat and have to toss clothes into the laundry, being in the cooler weather is a whole different thing. We packed way too much. Dumb.


Will it be cooler in Sept. then in July/August or is it all just a matter of chance?


A few items I suggest besides clothing:
1. My ship (RCL Radiance of the Seas 6/12/04 ) was terrific...but there was no clock in the room~so bring a travel clock
2. Extension cord with a power strip, in case there aren't enough outlets in the cabin ~We were constantly re-charging digital camera batteries, laptop computer, and telephones (I have some techno-geeks in my family that cannot take a vacation without all of their "stuff")
3.Although we didn't have them...I saw walkie-talkies to find other members of your family on the ship. They are helpful in the ports as well (up to 2 miles, I think).
4.If you have a choice in digital cameras, use the kind that have re-chargeable batteries. We took hundreds of son's camera went through about 10 sets of AA batteries. I just re-charged mine every night.
5.Again, regarding cameras...everywhere you turn in a fantastic picture, with no camera skills necessary. so the optimum is a digital camera with LOTS of memory. Otherwise LOTS of film! Betwen my son and I, we took over 800 digital pictures in a week and hardly any were bad enough to be deleted.
6.Sunscreen..I never thought I would need it in Alaska...but I did, and then had to spend way too much for it on the ship.

Have a fantastic time...wish I was still there!


I was in Alaska in May and the temp. was in 60- 70 range. The whole coast is rain forest and they measure rain in feet not inches per year. Just dress in layers, in the summer it can get in the 80s. You will need a rain coat maybe a light jacket a sweatshirt may be handy. You should bring your swim suit.