


Okay, this post won't be for everybody. I am interested in smuggling alcohol on board. Anyone up for a discussion on this?


I put two PLASTIC bottles in my boots ( I don't think I even wore them, lol).


Cruised to the bahamas last month. I filled an apple juice bottle with a 5th of Jack Daniels, put it in a plastic bag in case it leaked then wrapped it in a towel and put it in my suitcase. My brother used a big water bottle and filled it with Vodka, both bottles made it on board. only problem was I should have brought more :)


But then you miss all the frew frew umbrella drinks that are soooo yummy :)

Of course that is likely what packs on all the pounds while I'm gone hehe. Maybe I could bring "the bullet" blender in my suitcase :girly


I too wondered how to do it. lol At the port of Long Beach, a few years ago, a baggage handler mentioned he could make sure that 'everything in the bags would make it onto the ship' as he put his hand out. Had I had any alcohol in my bags at THAT time on THAT cruise, I would have taken him up on his offer... However, I did not. I think next time I'll just do the 'water bottle' method and hope that it works.


it's been a while since I've many "drinks" are we allowed to bring aboard?


The REAL lowdown on booze!

We've taken so much that we had extra and gave it to the room steward. From vodka and blue cheese stuffed olives, olive juice and a shaker. You just have to be smart. The cruise line doesn't have time to go thru every bag that they think might have a bottle or 2 in them, you would never leave on time. I give my room guy $20 the very 1st time I see him and tell him to never replace anything in my fridge, ( I pull everything out of the mini fridge) and make sure I never run out of glasses and ice.

We zip tie each bag shut this makes it even more inconvenient to open. You can get them at home depot for around $1 for 15, remember to carry a small knife or toenail clippers to cut the plastic ties.

Don't fill 1 suit case full of all of your booze. It will raise a red flag if your suitcase weighs 100 pounds because you filled it full of tall boy Heineken's. We do take some beer, but don't be stupid, beer is priced as if it would be at any club in the states. Spread it out!!!!!

Its also convenient to fill many "smaller bottles" and randomly place them in different suit cases. Use plastic bottles. Smaller is better, "only in this case"

We fly every week so we save many of our mini liquor bottles and refill them. It's very easy to order 1 drink and then spike it up to where I normally drink them.

Wine are a little more complicated, but if you don't drink expensive wine you can take the small bottles and even half bottles. they work fine. Even the cheap small bottles are better than the house wines on cruise ships. At dinner always ask for the reserve list, there are many better bargains than on the regular list. I recently got a 2005 kenwood artistry for $70 (retail $48) which was much better than the $45 woodbridge that cost $12.

OK 1 st TIMERS don't get those little worthless shots a dinner unless you want to pay $7-$8 each for that shot and the worthless garage sale shot glass that comes with it.

We're not cheap, we are just frugal and we go on 6-8 vacations a year.


"Try Rum Runner flasks. They are great and pack really well."

Right on. Just ordered 2- 32zoz and and 1 - 16oz last week. Stack and pack! Goes right through xRay in side your bags.


Ahhhhhhhhhh. The old question of "smuggling". First off. Please don't try to rationalize it as, "It's not smuggling. It's sneaking." Yeah, right. And I suppose that that arguement would also apply to theft ... i.e.- It's not stealing. It's 'creative bowworing"? Friends's smuggling -

By definition: Smuggling (also known as trafficking), is the clandestine transportation of goods or persons past a point where prohibited, such as out of a building, into a prison, or across an international border, in violation of the law or other rules. On most cruise lines, all luggage, including carry-ons, is X-rayed and (supposedly) liquor or beer is consfiscated and returned on the last night. Wine is usually OK.

But, I digress ....

OK. Smugling liquor onto the cruise ship, for whatever reason .... Well ... it can be done. Fortunately Calgon has come through for you with a "fool-proof" way to smuggle, which is very popular with some members of Cruise-@ddicts ... Try this ...

Go by your local speakeasy (I mean liquor store). Don't waste your money on some big, 'ol bottles of booze. Instead, opt for a nice selection of the individual serving bottles. You know the kind ... Yeah, the airline bottles. Be sure to buy the plastic ones and check that they have plastic caps. The why of this will be explained later. Get enough for however many drinks you're going to need for each day of your cruise. Play around with the planning. Be creative. This way, you have a choice of drinks throughout your cruise, instead of the same ol' thing every morning, day and night. *sigh* Boring!

Pack the little bottles in your suitcase. Because they're small, you can find all kinds of hiding places. This allows you to bring even more booze on your cruise. When looking for those nooks and crannies, don't overlook the hidden space inside your shoes. No, not the ones you're wearing, the ones you pack! Another advantage of using the small bottles is that, if one breaks, you'll only ruin one or two outfits, as opposed to your entire wardrobe.

When you get to the port, visit the restroom. Grab a handicap stall, as you'll need a little room for this step. Besides, you're going to need it much more than they will! Remove the tiny bottles and, using dental floss, tie them together, in a chain. Don't use an extra belt, because of the metal buckle, instead, grab that roll of duct tape I always recommend cruisers take. Wrap the tape around your waist, tie your bottle chains to it and let them hang down, inside your trouser legs. Here's why you buy plastic bottles ... 1) glass bottles can be COLD and that makes you walk funny, and 2) plastic bottles don't clink together and give you away!

Now, go on through the screening process. Act as normal as possible. Since the bottles have plastic caps, you won't have to worry about the metal detector. See? Another advantage of plastic!

One final advantage of the little bottles is that you can sneak them into the dining room and avoid any corkage fees! Just 'palm' the bottle and pretend that you are coughing while you chug away.

I guarantee, no one will know!


Katbo64 said:
I put two PLASTIC bottles in my boots ( I don't think I even wore them, lol).

NO NEED TO TIP haha dont waste the money! This is the easiest method! On my cruise last month I brought a couple bottles of vodka with me in water bottles that fit perfectly in my shoes ( I wear a 13 though) I put clothes on the bottom and on the top! works like a charm!


We've always just bought the bottles, wrapped them well in case of leaks, and put them in our suitcase. Once we even bought 24 of those aluminum Bud Lite bottles, put them in a small suitcase and sent them on their way. They arrived to our stateroom without a problem.

The website you are looking for is www (dot) rumrunnerflasks (dot) com. Use code "REPEAT" to save some money. These flasks work well as they lay flat in your suitcase and are harder to detect. I have also heard of people buying alcohol in port, filling the flasks, and putting them in their pockets (like on cargo shorts) and they go thru the metal detector, no problem, and no confiscation of your alcohol.

We've cruises Carnival 6 times, and the only time I've seen them be picky about confiscating the liquor is on short spring break cruises, but even then, we got ours just fine!

There is some debate about them screening luggage; some say they don't scan all suitcases, and others say yes they do, they scan everyone of them. I have no idea about this but I would hope that they do. And I would say the screeners are more worried about weapons than booze?


We have cruised once or twice a year for 6 years now with Carnival; have always taken liquor onboard in the bottles they are bought in and have never had any problem whatsoever. We usually take a bottle of vodka and jim beam, 12 pk cokes and some water....the liquor is usually in my purse the water and co-cola are checked.


Cheers for RumRunner. Two 32 oz of RR with favorite grog went on board last week for a 7 day cruise sipping. Laid in check on bag -flat on the bottom.


Im going on my third carnival cruise in March and I have always wrapped up mini bottles of champagne stuffed it in socks then wrapped it in tshirts as well as bottles of corona and bottled water so i dont have to buy their expensive waters and sometimes mini cans of pepsi .......never had a problem the worst that could happen is they throw them in the garbage and waste your money.....just tip your porter nicely as they are usually the ones who scan through your luggage


[size=medium]Rule # 1.... Don't pack your liquor with your weapons... security will nab you for sure ~~!!~~
Rule # 2... Wrap you bottles securely.....
Rule # 3.... Enjoy yourself ~~!!~~ [/size]

mandy loves 2 cruise

rdonte said:
Try Rum Runner flasks. They are great and pack really well.

I agree...these are a must on my packing list...flexible and never worry about busting them. No TIP needed when traveling with these:)-D