Aloha Deck Grand Princess



I am sailing on June 15th, on the Grand. I booked an inside guarantee. The cruise personalizer states that I have a cabin on the Aloha deck, and even a room number. Should I not expect any further upgrades since they have assigned a room number? Every post I read seems like everyone has a mini-suite or outside balcony. Has anyone had a cabin on the aloha deck? I'm interested in knowing if you can really feel the motion of the ship on such a high deck. I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing sea sickness before on any of three cruises, but I am traveling with my sister who may be bothered. Any information about the aloha deck or the Grand Princess will be greatly appreciated.


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We really loved the Grand Princess. I honestly can't say enough good things about the ship. I just hope you enjoy your cruise as much as we did ours.


You will not feel much motion on the Aloha deck even if you're far forward, the Grand is very smooth, especially on that route in June... it's pretty calm down there at that time of year. If you're far aft, the only thing you may feel is a little bit of vibration at times, but not much.

If they've assigned your cabin already, that's likely to be where you'll stay. I think one of the reasons is that the June sailings are close to sold out because of the Grand's unplanned return to the Caribbean during summer, and all of the bargains that came with it.

Upgrades go to past passengers (Platinum first), then by what you pay, so if you took an inside guarantee and you're not a frequent Princess passenger; you probably won't get upgraded further. They're also starting to shy away from upgrades far beyond your cabin type, i.e., you could be upgraded to a better inside cabin, but not as likely to go from an inside guarantee to outside, and very unlikely to go from an inside guarantee to a balcony or suite.

Have fun! We're on the sailing right before you...June 8th.


DJA and SpongeRob,
Thanks for the info - I'm sure the cabin assignment will be just great. I understood when I booked that I needed to be perfectly happy with the inside, as there may not be any upgrades,especially since this is my first cruise with Princess. We plan to spend a good deal of time at the pools, just one deck up, so we won't be spending a lot of time waiting on an elevator.

I do have a couple other questions: 1) I have seen where Princess has a soft drink card, do they have any other drink specials? I don't drink alcohol, but I love those virgin daiquiris. RCCL has an adult drink card (no alcohol) how about Princess?
2) I have AOL broadband cable internet at home, can I use this account aboard the Princess to access e-mail, or should I set up an email account with Yahoo, etc.?
3) Am I allowed to bring a bottle of non-alcohol champagne aboard for embarkation, or does Princess have a brand aboard for purchase. (Also, non-alcohol wines)?

Thanks for the information,
Sailing the Grand - June 15th


Princess does not have a "card" for their non-alcohol drinks except for sodas. The mocktails are usually very good and not that expensive anyway. The bartenders get their tips that way, too.

You'll have no problems bringing aboard a non-alcohol version of bubbly.

Can't answer the e-mail question, except to say that you're on a cruise and if it's work that you're worried about checking in on, just fuhgeddaboudit! There's too much cruising to do.



You will be able to access your AOL account from the Grand Princess. You just pick up off their connection to the Internet and sign in using your normal user ID and password. I think their Internet center is actually an AOL sponsored one. It won't be quite as fast as your broadband connection, but it's pretty good considering where you are. You will have to pay the Princess connection charges though... they're not outrageous, but they're up there... depends on your point of view I guess... I forget what they are, maybe something like $7.50 for 10 minutes... not sure... If you become a Princess Platinum member it's free (except for the cost of the five cruises it takes to become a Platinum member ;)...


Had an inside on Aloha (A736) a couple of years ago and it was aft and I did not feel much motion at fact that cabin was so convenient to the Terrace Pool and the Horizon Court!

Yes, you can carryon some non-alcoholic bevereage for sailaway; they do have mocktail of the day specials, no alcohol card - just soda card, and yes you can use your AOL account to access email on the Grand.

Lady Jag

I'm gonna have to disagree with DJA - there is a lot of motion on the Grand compared to other ships! It's known as a "rough rider" among the newer ships. Does this mean you'll really feel the movement - no, especially if you are mid-ship and the weather is calm. The winds play a big part in the Grand's movement. High winds = more movement.

We've had a very aft cabin (VS on the Emerald Deck) in really bad weather. The ride was terrible, the noise was incredibly loud (creaking, moaning, etc) and I'd never book an aft cabin on the Grand again.

We also had D701 which is somewhat aft during the same exact week as the other time on the Grand with totally different weather. We hardly felt a thing! It was quiet, smooth and absolutely beautiful.

My sister had a mid-ship balcony cabin on the Aloha Deck and really felt the movement during high winds. Otherwise, it was fine.

Mom had an Emerald Deck mid-ship cabin and never felt much movement at all during the bad weather we had.

SOOOOO, it's a crap-shoot. Try to at least get a mid-ship inside cabin and most of all, go prepared and you (and she) will be just fine.

And yes, there's still a chance you'll get upgraded. I've had friends that had a cabin assignment many times and have been upgraded to the PH suite once, and twice to a balcony cabin.


Thanks Lady Jag,
I'm sure my cabin assignment - inside extremely forward on the Aloha deck - will work out fine. We are so far forward that when my sister found out the room number she said "you told me we were towards the front, heck we are the hood ornament". I haven't been affected by the seas during 3 other cruises, and plan to be prepared just in case. About the upgrade - I really have a time of it planning my cruises. It never fails, after I book and pay in full, I decide that I want to go on a different cruise line, different intinery, a different cabin type or what ever. This is the first cruise that I found these message boards - after of course that I booked and paid. Nest trip I will be able to do a bit more research on choices.

Thanks to cruise addicts board!

Lady Jag

Hey, live and learn, Darlene. I'm still learning a lot too. With every cruise, I learn more about what will make the cruise a perfect one for our tastes. You gotta kiss a lot of toads,.... :grin


My wife and I are going on June 15 cruise also. We're really looking forward to it. It's the first time we're leaving the kids and our first cruise. Let the joy commence!



Hey teach,
June 15th seems sooo... far off. My sister and I are cruising together for this cruise. My husband has cruised with me twice, never all that excited about going, but truly enjoys himself once on board. Sister's hubby won't leave dry ground. She and I cruised before together on Carnival three years ago. Although we keep in touch via phone and internet, we haven't seen each other since that cruise. I envy you and your wife, the first cruise is always so special you will never forget the experience. Let's keep in touch until the cruise.... we would love to meet you and your wife on board.