my wife and I have just returned from an 8 day cruise on the Carnival Legend, Panama, Costa Rica and Belize, all for the second time. Loved it and enjoyed it. We noticed something on this cruise that we had noticed before and just wandering, are we getting old, or not. I was offened at seeing middle aged men and women in swimming trunks and speedos and barley there swim suits walking around the lido deck during meal times. That was not to bad, but we are talking hairy bare chested men, with thier guts sticking out, standing next to the food areas and scratching themselves. Not once not twice but many many times. I mean right next to the food, not more 1 foot away, scratching away. This was almost a daily thing in all areas of the food service area. The woman were no better, some of them needed to shave and i do not mean thier arm pits or faces. I was completely awed by this, given the facts of norwalk virus, and other diseses that can be passed around. I realize they were on vacation to and that things are relaxed, but come on now, not that relaxed. I filled out a comment card to Carnival and dropped it in the comment box, we got a reply that they would look into this. Yeah right o. Any way, am I just getting old or are others seeing more of this and what are your thoughts. IT DID NOT RUIN MY CRUISE, WE HAD A GREAT TIME. (just wanted to make sure people did not think it ruined it for us) and are looking to book our next one for April of 2007.