=yeah..thanks for the notice..
we were in the same boat with Delta..and we got on the stick; in October.. fought for an hour and a half with a charming person from INDIA..:evil.. and finally burned 70,000 miles for next summer in Golden ,Colorado...Mark's chance to get home for his 40th H.S. class reunion.."for free"...:dizzy...
we figured may as well burn 'em as lose them.. we never ever get a chance to redeem for domestic, foreign, heck across the street..( we are always TOO late..
..).. so we really worked at it..
=hammer..we now *KNOW* why folks just plain give up, and lose them, it would be easier to prepare to take on the Spanish Armada fleet again from centuries ago versus trying to redeem those miles!!..OMG!!...
best Holiday thoughts Edward!!....:daisy..Joanne