I opened up @ddicts this morning to this PM
This is just getting out of hand...Barry's passing, JohnNJ's situation, another cruise friend lost her husband a few weeks ago VERY unexpectedly, our losses of both Connie’s this past summer and now Korina's John. Plus they've been through so much already. So, please keep John and Korina in your prayers. With the stress they’ve been under lately I guess it was bound to happen…..but it really sucks.
korinalacount said:can you let everyone know john is in the hospital,I just got home at 4 am and will be leaving for hospital again in 4 hours,they wouldnt let me stay any longer as he has 3 other people in his room,he was having bad chest pains and said we need to go to the doctor,I got him there they took him back his bp was 188/101 but within a half hour it was 136/80 and stayed that way till 2am till they took him to his room then it went back up to 188/101 again,the blood tests came back fine,the x-rays,no heart attack but he has a irregular heartbeart,the cardiologist will see him at 7 am he is hooked up to every %(# #!&#$ thing imaginable,they might put him to sleep and shock his heart to get correct sinus rythum back or check to see if he needs blood thinners,cant remember the rest,so tired,I have been hacking all day on this new blood pressure med which I am going to have them change tomorrow,its like having a asthma attack all day,the nurse almost admitted me,I was hacking all over everyone,anyway got to go and catch 2 hours of zs,one son is here with me in guest room and other 2 kids will be here at 7 am,need a little shut eye. Korina
This is just getting out of hand...Barry's passing, JohnNJ's situation, another cruise friend lost her husband a few weeks ago VERY unexpectedly, our losses of both Connie’s this past summer and now Korina's John. Plus they've been through so much already. So, please keep John and Korina in your prayers. With the stress they’ve been under lately I guess it was bound to happen…..but it really sucks.