Thanks ..
That was a good story of you when you were a kid , imagine what did we do before all the kids clubs and stuff planned for us ..
Well we hung over railings and on gym sets , broke our legs , played kick the can and invented our own clubs and fun..
Ah , must have been fun and you should see if you can find your old friends you made on that cruise somehow .. And I suppose after that guy falling overboard , you will be extra anxious about your own kids ..
So get a couple of those kid tracers they are promoting these days..
Well the Star Princess was a beautiful ship .. I have a lot of pictures and it was huge . It took us about 4 days and even then we still did not know where everything was and not enough time even on a 7 day cruise to see everything..
The people we met on the cruise were fantastic , but the crew was not always to friendly ..
and it was stuffy .. Some people felt they had to dress up on formal nights and yet I found that most people did , but not quite the titantic crowd .. It was bigger and I did get somewhat seasick as we were in on the 12 the floor and that is high up ..
I would choose a lower cabin I believe but it was also the pacific ocean and perhaps more waves .. All in all it was great .. the food was excellent and so much of it ..
The room service was good and fast and the ship itself , immaculate as it was new and a great lap pool where the waves are perpetual so you could swim against the current and private area for adults only with spas ..
The pools on board were big I thought and the buffet great ..
but even tho the tv had a minute to minute report of the waves and it said they were slight .. I felt they were huge .. but they were not ..
But we saw some whales and it was a big ship
Sara Lee