Any answer will help!



We are cruising on the Summit in Sept. 2003, leaving from S. Diego for 14 days to Panama. I've looked at the various ports we will be stopping at and am having a hard time finding what we should do at these places. It would help if we would receive our booklet from Celebrity showing the planned excursions, but that wont probably be mailed to us for some time. Can we ask for it early? Is it true that if we do excursions that are not through Celebrity, that we will save money? I've heard the cruise lines charge 50% more for excursions booked thru the cruise lines.
We will be stopping at: Cabo San Lucas, Acapulco, Costa Rica (I forget where!) and Aruba. I know this is alot of questions, but if anyone has taken this cruise, would you please give me some info?
Any and all would be great. I'd settle for anything just because I'm so excited and hearing and talking about this cruise makes it seem more real. So, all of you out there, I need a thrill right now and your expertise info. would be great. I live in Washington State and the weather is about to drive me to drink!
Thanks again, Noel


The Celebrity web site -, has a listing of the shore excursions for each port of call. Follow the link on the right side of the page. You can also reserve your excursions at any time once you have your booking number.


Yo Duggie!!
You do sound ready to go and I can't blame you.. Cabo is a great spot to walk and do the town right from the tender pier. However if you want to beach it there are boats that will get you to lands end so to speak and they are not hard to find. Celebrity does Puerto Caldera in Costa Rico and there is very little at the pier or within walking distance unless you are brave about the sun and there is a beach but we found it really hot and no cover. Tours here from the ship cause everything is pretty far away although there will be taxi's. A ships tour gives you piece of mind on getting back on time. You may tender if there is a freighter on the dock already. There are nice shops and reasonable priced stuff on the dock in the large old building. Celebrity has been stopping at Panama westbound (SB) at Panama City I'm not sure what they are doing East Bound (NB) It does not show in their brochures so check with them or your TA. Aruba is a great warm dry Island and you can rent a car taxi to the beach or do just about anything on your own here. Did I also say windy. :) Taxis at the pier as are rentals. email me if you need anything else.


The 4X4 excursion on Aruba is Gr8 if U are adventurous. If not then head for one of the MANY Gr8 beaches available to visitors. :thumb


the shore excursions for that cruise should be on the web site for Celebrity <> - you will need your booking number but you can even book the excursions on line up to 10 days prior to your departure.