anybody cruise on the grand princess lately



i am going on the ship on march 28 04. this will be my first time cruising. i was just wondering if someone could write things they liked and didnt like on the grand princess. also wondering about coke card. just please write anything that you feel that might help me out, being my frist cruise and all. thank you


Well yes we have been on the Grand and find her a beautiful ship.. i would eat at Sabattinis once and also try the Painted Desert too. i really like as we were leaving port they were playing the LOVE BOAT SONG ... we had our head waiter fom when we cruised on the SKY PRINCESS onboard and he remembered us and our like to mmmmmmmmmmmmfresh made diffrent PIE ever night...IF he is there say hello to ARCHIE for me..... i di not think campared to other shi[p her size that her shopping area was as good as on other ship, but that my opinion....ever ship has their own personality ,,,i enjoy them all

Lady Jag

Things I like: (sailed twice on the Grand)

Muster - it's the best in the business!
Coke Card prices - they're cheap compared to RCI!! I think it's $22.50 for 7 nights.
Quiet, intimate atmosphere
Helpful, unassuming crew members
They limit the number of kids they'll allow onboard
Fresh water pools!!!!! No yucky salt water ones!

Things I didn't like:

A little too quiet at times
TV programs & movies aren't as good as RCI's
More older seniors onboard
(my dislikes aren't anything to write home about - not a big deal)


Ah, the Grand.

Sailed in 1998, and twice last year (once to get married on it!). I love the ship.

The coke sticker is for fountain drinks only, and be sure to tell them you have the sticker when you order. Be careful of the Chocolate Banana's, they are quite addictive! :)

Sabatini's only go once, make reservations for early evening. The Painted Desert is worth going to twice, the guacamole is awesome. I'm partial to the flan as well.

Make sure you read your Princess Patter (newsletter), you now get it the night before instead of waking up to it like in 1998. Make a list of what things you're going to do and the times.

If there is a show in the Explorers lounge, get there atleast half an hour early, sometimes more. The best seats there are in the middle right, next to the column. There will be an empty seat behind the column. :) Don't sit in the center back unless you're late, lots of traffic and standies. Princess Theater is less of a problem.

The big thing is to participate. Don't stand around and watch the dance competition, get out there and have a good time. Being a horse owner is alot of fun too, bringing your horse to lunch/dinner.

I also recommend going to the high tea's. You'll meet very interesting people, and the snacks are great. You'll run into these people all the time, even with 3000 people on board. Nice to be able to wave to people through out the cruise.

Next cruise will be in Feb, probably not on the Grand (wife want's to try other boats).


Lady Jag - it said sailed on Grand LATELY. Your experience isn't very recent, relatively speaking.

The ship is great, in wonderful condition! You will find the service great, many food options, etc. . .


Lady Jag didn't even say anything about the condition of the ship or bad service. Maybe you misunderstood her post. She even said the neg. were not really a big deal. She actually spoke well of the Grand.
The Grand is a very nice ship with great service. Our favorite area is the solarium pool section, actually all the pool areas are great. Another area we liked was the promanade lounge and bar it is on deck 7 in the atrium area. You can get a drink or as we did a cappuccino and relax. There are so many places to pick from. It has become one of our favorite ships since we sailed on it. You will have a great time exploring the ship, it will take awhile to see it all. Enjoy your cruise and have a great time :wave

Lady Jag

Excuse me, Caribbean Sun. The post did have the word "lately" in it on the topic, but not in the body of the post. Next time, I won't bother to help and will leave it to you. :)


Back from the grand dec 2003 last month , i took over 600 pics, if there are any specific pics you want email me, and i will send, i also have a great video clip of our cabin caribe deck cat bb, that will really give you a great idea of how the cabin is...


I would love to see the photos of your December cruise on the Grand, especially the
cabin (& any others you would like to send). We are going March 14, family of 7.
I don't think my computer can handle the video though. Thanks!



Let me know what kinda pics you are looking for the video clip is very small , and can be ran in email then deleted


if you could send them to
i have received your pictures of the pool and the inside stateroom and i apprciate it very much. if you have any other ones you think are good ones please send them
thanks alot


Loved the grand. was a huge ship. Skywalkers nightclub makes a wonderful observation deck during the dayime. poools were exellent. The teens &kids centers were not very extensive in april 2003. They may have remodeled though. Food was exellent and so was the service. Our steward hung or cllothes and straightened our shoes(not like on RCI) Didn't go to Sabintinis or S.W. Cafe. Didn't think it was worth it Have a great trip!!