Anyone else travel with backpack?



Just wondering...

Anyone else travel with a backpack? I use a large appalachian hiking style pack when I travel -- and am wondering any tips for keeping it safe when checking it?

It actually meets the dimensions for a large carry-on for American Airlines, but I was thinking I'd stick it in a large duffel and check it. This way the straps and such won't get caught in the conveyor belts or checkpoints.

Anyone else? Growing up I camped and travelled around A LOT and am a pro at packing clothing in a pack so it stays wrinkle free...(and my early twenties as a hippie chick touring around new england and after the Grateful Dead!! ha ha)

If you cannot tell, cruising is something new to us! My husband and I camp and vacation in the mountians and such.



dont know what cruise line you are sailing on where are you going to put some of your more dressier stuff -- slax-sport jacket- dress etc


Mostly I wear cotton and silk sundresses, which can be roll-folded (for short periods of time you can roll-fold some clothing, using paper liner as you roll, will stay wrinkle, crease and damage free for several days - but I will unpack and hang them immediately).

My black evening gown is a gorgeous velvet high-end couture gown that is designed for summer wear, ankle length. I have packing products for my gown allowing it to fold nicely with paper liner, and placed in a travel box inside my pack.

There are many travel products lines for backpackers. Because of the numbers of people who backpack across the US (amtrak sells wonderful rail passes), or Europe you become aware of some amazing packing products and alternatives for backpack travel. Never know when you will need a stylish outfit to wear.

I have traveled with gowns in a pack before and they always have turned out perfect. You just need to be careful about the materials - stick with natural fibers or velvet. All fibers which, if they do crease or wrinkle excessively can be steamed.

Post Edited (01-25-04 15:00)



I'm not sure how big a backpack you have, but I would recommend a duffel for it.

I'm on my second duffel and would recommend it to anyone. I just got it before a cruise and it worked great. My previous duffel that I had blew out a zipper. Kind of easy to do when you have a loaded backpack.

Now, I don't like recommending brands because just like anything else, it's personnel preference. I do admit that I have brand loyalty so:

I own a internal frame Gregory 8000cu ??. I bought it about 8 years ago. I have not had any problems with it. I travel a lot with it and from previous experience, realized that I needed to keep the straps safe. I bought a REI large duffel and it worked great until I overloaded it and blew out the zippers. The one good thing about the REI duffel is that you could fold it for storage. With the long haul duffel, you cannot do that.

Gregory also makes long haul duffels and that is the one I bought. I did not buy the largest size but the one right below it. My backpack fits in it fully loaded with a little room to play with. I have not had any trouble with the airlines with it except for the weight. I do tend to take more with it.

I did look at a couple of other duffels. Their is a expedition one by North Face that looks nice and has an additional feature of backpacking straps but it didn't have the storage room. There is also water proof duffels out there but they did not fit the need.

I hope this helps out.
