No, but we will be getting off the Holiday the same day you will be getting on. This will be my 5th time on the Holiday and actually there is plenty to do. Besides all the good food, there is always something going on on the ship. The fun will likely begin as you sail away from Mobile at the sailaway party by the pool. There are production shows, comedy and, or, variety shows every night in the Americana Lounge. If you like karaoke, it's going on every night in Doc Holiday's Lounge. The Reflections Disco is where all of the teen activity seems to be going on every evening. Then, of course, there's the "virtual reality" room with all the game machines, etc. Daytime sea day activities always include stuff like the hairy chest contest, belly flop, "horse racing" (you'll just have to see that one), etc. Then there are dance classes, the gym, the waterslide, and, of course, bingo. Now, if you are still bored, there is always the 24 hour pizza parlor and self serve ice cream. Bottom line; if you don't have fun of the Holiday, you ain't gonna have fun anywhere, IMHO.