Anyone have an Early Saver booking? Check your rates!!!


Staff Captain
There's another post that mentions Carnival's Friends and Family sale. I agree that the prices are lower than I have seen in quite a while with this promotion.

If anyone out there has a Carnival booking made under the Early Saver promotiotion with the best fare protection you need to check your rates. Chances are the price on your booking has dropped and sometimes substantially! If that is the case you have until Friday to submit your claim to Canival to get them to adjust your rate. If your rate has dropped before final payment they will adjust the rate. If your rate has dropped after final payment you will be reimbursed with on board credit in the amount of the difference or an upgrade but most people go for the OBC.

If you booked through a travel agent call them and have them check. If you booked through a Carnival PVP you can bet they are not going to jump on the phone and tell you so either call them or price it yourself on the Carnival web site. You can submit an Early Saver price protection form yourself on the Carnival web site. Do NOT bother calling Carnival's reservations number unless you have a lot of time on your hands. Their hold times this week are up to 90 minutes and the recording says that "if your issue is not time sensitive, call next week". Really? Call next week?? Are you kidding me??? So much for customer service. :smack:

We T/A's get the same recording by the way. Besides, if you call next week, the low prices will be gone because the sale ends Friday so check your bookings as soon as you can!!

Good Luck!!!


Carnival Specialist
Community Sponsor
Thanks Michael!!! I was going to post about this this morning but as usual, you're at the top of your game!! :doubleup: I booked my upcoming Carnival cruise with an ES fare. When I heard about the Family and Friends Sale I checked the rates, and lo and behold, they were $120. per cabin lower. Submitted my form on Tuesday, and got my confirmation yesterday afternoon. $240. less I have to send them in May!!


Staff Captain
Good for you, Jeff!! More money for Mudslides for sure!!

With 140ish views but only a couple of replys I can guess that this thread is being watched.

So for those who are still watching, good news!!

Carnival has extended the Friends and Family sale until Thursday. An inside source at Carnival tells me it is really next Sunday the 31st but officially it is Thursday so there's still time to get in to Carnival's pocket for those extra savings. I processed one today for a client who got $500 off their original fare on a seven night sailing. That's $500 on board credit!! They were thrilled!!

So, if you haven't already done so... Check your rates!!!

Good Luck :eek:k:



Staff Captain
The Friends & Family rates have dropped again for my cruise in August. Another $100/per cabin off!! :doubleup::biggrin::doubleup:

Good point Jeff! Congrats on another $100!! That's a few mudslides for ya. :thumbup: Even if people have already checked, they should check again before the sale ends Thursday (again, inside info I have says Sunday but that is still not official)

Carnival prices have been going down faster than the Concordia!

I have a client who booked on December 31st. Carnival Magic on June 2nd. Their 7C Cove Balcony price has gone down six times, four in the past week and a half. Thier cabin price has dropped by almost half since they booked.

All this said, what's going on at Carnival? All the cancelled cruises on Triumph, two cancelled sailings on Sunshine and this sale are costing them millions!! There are the price reductions, new bookings at the lower rates, refunds for cancelled bookings, refunds of non-refundable air and other covered things for those booked on the cancelled cruises, discounts for future cruises for those booked on cancelled cruises who's HUGE!! Yes, they are stepping up to the plate to make ammends....but...
:scratch: Makes me wonder how they plan to recoup these losses.... :einstein:


Staff Captain
Looks like my friend at Carnival was right on track. The Carnival web site now says the Friends & Family promotion has been extended through April 6th.



Carnival Specialist
Community Sponsor
I guess sales aren't going as well as they thought. I can't believe that there are still two aft wrap around balconies, and a half dozen aft extended balconies still available on my cruise, this late in the game. Will be keeping my eye out for even further price reductions!!


Staff Captain
My Carnival bookings have stayed about the same lately. I'm kind of surprised that more people aren't taking advantage of this sale.

By the way, the lucky cruisers who have gotten on board credit for the price drops need to know it is "use it or lose it". No refunds for unused on board credit given due to price reductions.


Staff Captain
Good for you Jeff!!!

As I posted before, I'm surprised that more people aren't taking advantage of the lower prices but folks like you with price reductions are loving it.