Anyone have any info on this Cabin?



OK, my travel agent has been a trooper...I have changed my room twice. I am cruising on the Constellation on the 1st of December and I started out with room 9127 and then read about the overhanging on the balcony and the noise from I changed to room 8137....but then saw that room 6135 became available which is on the Penthouse deck which looked nice. It also looked like the balcony was bigger. Has anyone ever stayed in this room? If so, how did you like it? What were your thoughts on the room?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.




6135 is a great room. We have not stayed in it, but did stay next door in 6133 last November in Europe.
The balcony is the same width as similar cabins, but it is three times as deep as others. And, since
it is down a hallway that is mostly big suites, there is less traffic and almost no noise. Sight lines are
totally unobstructed.

Have a great cruise.



Personally, I love the Penthouse Deck. I try for 6110 or 6112 as it's right next to the Suites, you get the best stewards and easy access to run down one flight to the nightlife. For "day" or pool people, the upper decks are more convenient. I just saw photos of the new Princess Ruby which I'm due to sail on in 90 days - thought I booked a great cabin - and now see the disco totally hangs over my cabin...(head slap)....ships been sold out for a long time. Oh well. No star gazing for me. AND they have this weird breakdown with the balconies so the higher up you are, the less you can see. If you look down, you see graduating extending ocean. None of this could be diserned by looking at the ships layout on line....


What a good point (and one I hadn't considered)....booked 8344 on the Solstice for Feb. 22/09...the decks are graduating on this ship as well (aft cabin). Booked really early so that we would have the best aft view of the OCEAN...looks as though we'll only see lots of people instead! Maybe I should change my cabin to CC.


Check cruise critics for Solstice info if no one here knows. They have a TON of people posting there. So many, in fact, I don't even follow the threads - they get updated every couple minutes. Sorry, no idea.


We have yet to have an aft balcony on a =X= ship but travel with folks that call themselves "Aft Balcony snobs"
Just because they can, and they love them. They are all booked aft on the Solstice and tell me that the view will be the same as the M class. Well I've been in their suites and there is no problem with the views at all. Matter a fact could I afford it I would join their group and yes they often have to book way out to get them.

Will be on the Solstice shortly after you in March. Don't ruin the grass please :party