Ten days from now I will have the answer for you; our plan is to get to the ship, get to our stateroom put stuff down and then go off the ship and take a taxi to the nearest store..............which is about 3 blocks away,,,,,,,,,,too far to walk with bundles................we will pick up water, 7 up and whatever.....................then back to ship.................will be about $10 someone on line told me a week or so ago. Yes, I was greatly disappointed the hotel is so far from the port,,,,,,,,,,,,,where all the happenings and the water taxi and tourist area is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but maybe the Princess help can get us there to enjoy the nite before our boarding,,,,,,,,,,at least I am hoping. We transit the Panama Canal for a 15 day cruise................so will be back on line Nov. 22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sailinsal