Anyone take the Pinel Island snorkel tour in St. Martin?



I have been to St. Martin a few times before but I have never snorkeled there. I have heard that Pinel Island is good for this and I plan on bringing my own snorkeling gear and taking a taxi to Pinel Island myself.

I have read that the water gets real cloudy after one of the ship's excurisons have arrived. Does anyone know what time the ship's excursion arrives there? I will be on the Mariner in September, which is due to be in port at 7am.

Thanks in advance.


[quote snorkelman]I have been to St. Martin a few times before but I have never snorkeled there. I have heard that Pinel Island is good for this and I plan on bringing my own snorkeling gear and taking a taxi to Pinel Island myself.

I have read that the water gets real cloudy after one of the ship's excurisons have arrived. Does anyone know what time the ship's excursion arrives there? I will be on the Mariner in September, which is due to be in port at 7am.

Thanks in advance.[/quote]

We took that excursion...

The water is too cloudy after a few minutes, you have to enter via a weird ramp they have built but the worse part is very few fish and too many people. There were other mishaps re that excursion when we went so perhaps your visit will be different.

In all honesty, I would not recommend that tour if it were free. That coming from an avid RCCL devotee.


Hey snorkelman... we took a fantastic excursion in St Maarten. It was on the Lord Scheffield. We sailed down the coast and anchored off shore for swimming and snorkeling. The ships do not offer this excursion so it wasn't very crowded. I recommend it highly.

Here's a link.

I will say the snorkeling in St Maarten wasn't too great when we were there. Nothing to do with the excursion though. The seas were kind of rough and that made the water pretty murky. Couldn't see 5 feet in front of us. We conidered it to be a nice swim. That's the cool part about the Lord Scheffield. Although the snorkeling wasn't that great we still had a ball on the boat. It was like spending the afternoon inside a Jimmy Buffett song.