Anyone Worried About Virus ?



just wondering ... are any of you worried about the virus that seems to be hitting the ships ? we don't sail until march, and i'm a very optimistic person, so i'm not canceling or anything - but it has crossed my mind.

happy cruising !


No, I'm not worried at all, and I'm definitely not blaming the cruise ships/lines about this problem. I had it once and it's really no big deal.......felt much better after 24 hours. The chance of me getting this virus is certainly not enough to make me even consider canceling my cruise. I'm scheduled for January 25 and I'll be there with bells on.

Anonymous User

I too am not worried about cruising and that virus. I live in the North where flu, colds etc are very common during the winter. I refuse to live in a bubble. Go on your cruise and enjoy.



I worry more about picking up something nasty at the grocery store.


Mikey Sr.

I work in retail where I am in contact with all types of people. The chances of getting it from the hundred of people that breath germs around me is greater than on a cruise ship. I live in the North also where viruses are a common thing in the winter. My wife and I with are sons are cruising on the Mercury Jan. 10.


There has been another virus outbreak!! It must be terrorism!

Mike Vick, the outstanding quarterback of the Atlanta Falcons has been out with a stomach virus! Yes, the outbreak has spread from cruise ships to football players! They are closing the Georgia Dome to sanitize all the seats, doors, restrooms, and food facilities! Officals are canceling the next sailing, I mean game due to the epidemic!

They are also considering closing down the practice field as well. The NFL has made a statement that they are not sure how or why this epidemic has struck and they are taking all precautions. Fans and players to the games will be given letters warning them of the risks of attending an event where such a horrid epidemic has taken place.

The FBI and CIA are checking into whether this outbreak was some fiendish plot of al-Qaeda or biological attack by Iraq. US citizens are being advised to seal their homes, live in plastic bubbles and never leave their homes for the remainder of their lives due to this terrible virus that lasts 1 to 2 days.

Please note that the part about Mike Vick having a stomach virus is true. The rest should show how stupid the press and many people are. Yes, my disgust on this topic is starting to show through, sorry.


yes, stargazer, people ... and the press ... can really go off sometimes - me ? yes, i do worry about it at times, i think it's on everyone's mind at one time or another, but - will it keep me off a cruize ? no, never ! but it does keep me in check with safety - as it should - to all of us.

we (our party) are down to double digits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are soooooo excited !

our daughter and son-in-law can't go on the cruise with us this time --- being 5 months pregnant at that time (march) isn't what is keeping her (and him away tho) - she is prone to kidney stones (just spent 3 days/nites in the hospital last weekend passing one) - and she is terrified of being away from home and getting another attack ! which, we hate it - and we have promised them another cruise next year, we'll get to take baby too ! - so now my best friend and her new husband will be going ! they are getting married december 31, midnight, in las vegas, so this will be their first cruise together ! so, we are all very excited ! the four of us get along beautifully and looking forward to a week of relaxation and fun! and glad that i will be able to call home and check on daughter and baby-to-be !



pambill, saftey and health is everyone's concern. My question is do you give it this much attention when you go to your local store, restaurant or shopping mall. You are more likely to get the same type of virus there. The problem is you aren't isolated like you are on a cruise ship and you have an idea of where you got it on the ship. The other concern is that you probably pick up more germs and viruses on the plane trip to the cruise and then get the symptoms and are sick while you are on the ship so you blame the ship.


JOhn (aka stargazerm31)....I loved your response...I live in the NYC area and work in NYC...I've been reading all the media about the Norwalk...I think it's so funny how people blow it out of proportion...I'll be on the Galaxy on August 11th and people keep asking me if I'm still going or have i thought about canceling...My response is..."I've lived through September 11th, a bomb scare in NYC, and all those Anthrax if you think a little virus is going to make me stay home...THINK AGAIN."

Enjoy your trip!!

The galaxy is a great ship!


i definitely agree with you there star... and i'm not afraid myself ... or as i said, i would not be going - but some people are and i just wondered if anyone had cancelled because of it. if anything i feel for the workers who have to clean day and night ! wow !


Let me tell you 1st hand about the virus - we got it. My little girl came down w/ it 1st a couple of days pre disembark. We got it the day of disembark and laid low in our hotel in Barcelona before flying home the next day. Boy were we SICK. W/o too much detail, kept us going from both ends. I have NEVER been so sick in my entire life. Thus, I wouldn't let others suggest that it's no big thing - it was terrible. W/ that said - we are already booking our next cruise. You can't live in a bubble and could get this thing everywhere. It's just bad when it happens to you and you must fly home overseas w/ a toddler and try and make it home w/o too much mishap. Don't worry about it - but bring lots of hand purifier - we sure will.


I think my sister got sick with the Norwalk virus because she was super careless. She thought she was invincible. She got ill on a Thursday and was still feeling ill on Saturday when we disembarked the Star Princess.

I tried to be careful not to catch her germs but I guess I did because I got ill on Sunday afternoon after I was home and stayed ill for 4 days. I didn't get as ill as my sister did.
What I didn't like was having to miss two days of work.

But if I had to do it all over again I WOULD STILL HAVE GONE ON THIS CRUISE.

I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!! It is a wonderful ship.

NEXT TIME, I plan to cruise on a week when I still have one more week off from work so if I should get ill I won't have to worry about missing work.