Anytime Dining vs. Traditional Dining



I've always enjoyed Traditional Dining--getting to know the waiters is fun. But we were told that on our upcoming cruise there aren't any tables for 2 in Traditional Dining (DH isn't very social!!)

But on other cruises I've seen people waiting for Anytime Dining.

Just wondering if getting a table is a pain with Anytime Dining, especially if we want a table for 2. And has anyone ever been able to get a table for 2 in Traditional Dining?


I prefer the traditional dining too. It wasn't available when we were on Grand Princess so we did the any time dining. We never had a problem and never had a wait. I think it has to do with when you want to eat. We usually go later, around 8 but maybe earlier they might have a line. The head waiter will ask if you want a table for two or if you want to eat at a larger table with other people.


We've not had a problem getting a table for two in anytime but it might really depend on when you arrive at the dining room door. We are generally there at 6pm looking for the feedbag :grin !! I think if you arrive about 6pm or after 8pm you should have no problem. Any time we have had to wait it has been less than 15 minutes. We relax in a nearby lounge and wait for the pager to beep :) ! On the Emerald we always found the line at Da Vinci dining room to have the shortest meant going down one more flight of stairs...I think everyone tended to bottleneck at the first dining room they came to.

The absolute worst wait we've had at anytime dining was on the Emerald Group cruise last February. It was the 1st formal night and the lines for formal photos were long. I suspect that a lot of the people who got stuck in the photo lines missed their traditional dining time and pitched up at the Anytime dining room.....not a happy situation. I would suggest that if you are planning to eat in one of the alternative restaurants that you might consider making a reservation at Sabatini's or The Crown Grill on the 1st formal night.


Thanks for the info. I actually got my travel agent to switch us back to Traditional Dining. Princess still told her that there were no tables for 2, so we're officially at a table for 4. But I'm betting that when we get there we can get a table for 2 after all. And if not, we'll either eat with another couple (who knows they may be great) or switch to Anytime.


Beryl, If you choose to eat in the Crown Grill on formal night do you still need to wear formal wear or is a nice dress o.k.? I normally do dress for formal night, but this cruise I am taking my mother and I did not want her to have to buy formal wear she won't be able to use again, if so no big deal we can do the Caribe. Thanks


You see more people in black dresses than formal wear-wear her good dress and enjoy.


Like Maw said, anymore any type of nice dress or pant suit is OK. We had the same issue on the first formal night on our recent Alaska cruise like Beryl mentioned. That night we had to wait about 45 minutes for a table as we didn't arrive at the dining room till 7 due to picture lines. We found if we arrived before 6:30 we got right in.


amistad, Princess will request that which ever dining venue that you choose (with the exception of the buffet) that you adhere to the dress code for the formal would be formal in the Crown Grill. I have found that a very nice pair of black trousers (or a long black skirt) paired with a pretty top (a little glitter never hurts) will pass quite nicely for "formal"! I'm sure they will let you in the Crown Grill with a "nice dress"! I am looking forward to the day, and I'm sure it won't be very much longer, when "resort" or "smart" casual dress will be the norm on every night of every cruise Then people can go and not have to worry about these "Am I dressed appropriately" questions.


I personally think "getting to know" the waiters is not fun, nor having them pretend that they "know" me. I just want them to be attentive to my requests, and to do their job quietly and professionally, and they don't have to play games. And I particularly dislike the "singing waiters" and "baked Alaska parade" nonsense.

We have cruised on lines with traditional dining and generally have been able to get tables for two whenever we've gone down to the dining room. And we've always been able to get a table for two in the anytime or "non traditional" dining venues, with the possible exception of the buffets when it's been particularly crowded. But then if we get there and it seems too busy, we'll just go elsewhere.

I think if you just show up and ask nicely, you'll get your table on the first night, and then ask that it be ready for you each other night...but then you'll miss the opportunity to explore other eating venues on the ship.


[quote uppitycats]I personally think "getting to know" the waiters is not fun, nor having them pretend that they "know" me. I just want them to be attentive to my requests, and to do their job quietly and professionally, and they don't have to play games. And I particularly dislike the "singing waiters" and "baked Alaska parade" nonsense.

We have cruised on lines with traditional dining and generally have been able to get tables for two whenever we've gone down to the dining room. And we've always been able to get a table for two in the anytime or "non traditional" dining venues, with the possible exception of the buffets when it's been particularly crowded. But then if we get there and it seems too busy, we'll just go elsewhere.

I think if you just show up and ask nicely, you'll get your table on the first night, and then ask that it be ready for you each other night...but then you'll miss the opportunity to explore other eating venues on the ship.[/quote]'re a riot!! I could do without the "farewell" singing and baked Alaska too (I hate baked Alaska) but then it wouldn't be tradition, would it? Like eating salmon on Thanksgiving.

Cruise cutie

:wave Hey Connie.. ASAP on the Ruby.. Whip down to the Traditional Dining Room... Visit with the Maitre'D.. and talk how you "really Really want Traditional.." you get seating.. :grin flash those sparkle eyes and you'll be in like Flynn!!Good luck!!....:lol..Joanne..
Edited to add "sparkle EYES and Hands!!"..:grin....hehehe..


HA. I'm sure seating a single would be no problem at all...there are always openings at large tables (which I prefer)...I'm really not that concerned. Is the menu identical is anytime vs traditional? If so, who cares, I'll land where I land. I'm so ticked off after seeing photos of the Ruby (and there is no way I could have known this from the ship's layout on line) my cabin has an enormous overhang from the disco, and "layering" balconies beneath me, so instead of ocean, I see some guy's head. LOL

At this point, the heck with I said, I'll have fun regardless. I'm changing my whole mind set for this's not really a cruise for me now, just a week away from my business and a new environment to explore. Sometimes trying new things is good. Even when they're bad.


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