April 4th Oosterdam



Is anyone else sailing on this date with a teenager 16 to 18 years old? We are taking our 16 year old daughter and she is afraid she will have no one her age to "hang around" with.
Also, we have never been on a cruise before and we are kind of concerned about motion sickness. We were told that we are in a good location on the ship and that it has good stableizers. Can anyone give me any incite on what to expect? We are in a BA category, verandah deck, mid ship.

Post Edited (01-14-04 16:49)


We are so excited by your post. We will also be on this cruise with our 17 year old daughter. She would love to have someone to hang out with. We are in an SS cabin on the Upper Verandah deck.
We have only been on one other cruise. Last year on the NCL Sun. If we can help with any questions, let us know.
Please feel free to us our e-mail, so we could correspond back and forth if you want.
We are late seating for the Dining Room. How about you?

Will wait to hear from you,

Robert E. Connors

We will be on the ship with our 8 year old son, Patrick. I have a 20 year old at UVA, who cannot make the trip.

Anyway, with respect to your question about sea sickness and the stability of the ship, I don't think you need to worry. We cruised on a smaller HAL ship last year for the first time, and had very little problem going from Port Canaveral to the Bahamas and back for three days. We had a cheap, low center interior cabin (best to avoid sea sickness in my opinion), and hardly felt the ship. I suspect the stabilizers on the Oosterdam will be even better.

I am very sensitive to sea sickness, so I was worried. I took only a couple of Dranamine the whole trip. You might want to get a prescription for Scopalamine or Trans Derm V ear patch before you leave, and start wearing it around 24 hours before you leave. It does make your mouth dry, however.

I did see only one guy drop his cookies in the Vista restaurant on the way back! He ran out and barely made it to the bathroom.

Don't worry, I predict a smooth sail. April waters in the Carribean will be just fine.

Bob Connors
CDR, MSC, USN, Retired

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