Are you hungry?


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Today we will have s small buffet. It’s what we usually have as our Midsummer Dinner over here. Maybe not really a Swedish Midsummer tradition, as that would be herring, potatoes and snaps, bit it’s our family tradition.
In our family it’s allowed to have snaps to the meatballs, so no need for herring. ;)

Bon Appetit!






Forum Manager
Staff member
Well stocked again this year......


Staff Captain
Thanks for the invite! My friend is on another visit to Sweden especially to celebrate your Midsummer. I’m looking forward to her return and stories.

red stripe

Staff Captain
Oh my! That looks delicious.

our breakfast meal this morning was eggs, bacon and toast .. while seated outside on a deck of a house overlooking the Lake up here in Topton NC

todays fare will be a steak and roast potatoes. YUM!

you are welcome to join us