atlantis submarine in Cayman Island



My friends and I are interested in the Atlantis 48 passenger submarine excursion in Georgetown, Grand Cayman. Has anyone taken this tour? How is the seating arrangements? Is it close, is there a "window" seat for everyone?

If we don't do this tour, we are also thinking of the semi-submersible tour. Any help on this one? We leave in a few weeks and would like to book one of them before we leave.
Thank you

Les and Shirley

We took the submarine tour in Georgetown about a year ago. It was a neat little tour.
The Atlantis tour office is immediately to the right as you come off the pier where the tenders drop you at Georgetown.
They use a small boat, about the size of a tender, to ferry the passangers out to the reef area, a 10 or 15 minute trip. At the reef, you watch the previous trip surfacing. The submarine has large portholes along both sides and one bench along each side. Everybody has a window seat. In addition, the front of the submarine is all glass. You dive about 90 feet to the reef and the sub tours the reef for 50 minutes or so. Schools of fish, coral growth, a small shipwreck. Back to the surface, back on the tender and then watch the next trip submerge.
I can't remember the exact cost of the trip, but do know that Celebrity marked up the Atlantis price by 20% if you buy it in advance onboard the cruise ship. Atlantis has a toll-free number 1-800-887-8571. I suspect they also have a website but don't know the address. The trips go every 1-1/2 hours so it shouldn't be any problem making a last-minute reservation.
Just one suggestion on what not to do on the tender. Do not sit your camera on the bench with the open back. A couple asked me to take their picture. They handed me their camera and I set mine down on the bench. After the picture was snapped, my camera was gone. It had slid off the bench and then fallen overboard from the upper deck since there was no kickrail around the deck. Goodbye $50.00 worth of camera. Luckily, I had just reloaded the camera and lost no pictures. In addition, another couple from our ship loaned us a disposable camera til we got back to shore and I was able to buy them a replacement. If you take the tour, be one the lookout for a small 35mm camera. Maybe, the sub captain will stop to let you retrieve it for me. ;>o
Speaking of picture taking, they advise you to not use flash and use ASA400 film when taking pictures through the porthole. Unless you have a camera that provides automatic exposure without flash, you will be disappointed with the results if the object is more than five feet from the submarine.
Have A Great Cruise
Shirley and Les


Thank you very much for the reply. I am really excited now about this tour! I will call them today to booik it.


Shirley is right about the film speed. We run 200 or 400 when traveling. None of our pictures came out during our Atlantis Sub tour. I would bump that up to 800 speed just for the GC Atlantis tour photo's. It was really neat to see scuba divers down under near the reef. We went down about 110 ft. There is a digital counter within the cabin that tells you how far down you are. GC is the best place to take this tour, too for the beautiful aquatic scenary.