Attn Celebrity Cruisers



We are considering a future cruise on a Celebrity ship. I was wondering if anyone can give me some quick information :
Are there adjoining cabins with doors to the next room? We had one on our first cruise on the Carnival Glory. We are ready to try a more classy cruise .
Also we live in Tennessee - we will be driving ourselves to the port. I was only able to find a port in Florida in Fort Lauderdale and than one in Norfolk VA. Ame I missing another one where Celebrity sails from?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Happy Sailings!

Glory 1/31/04


Yes, there are cabins with adjoining doors. Jacksonville, FL, also has a port, I think for the Zenith, but not year round. Tampa, FL, has the Horizon.


Looks like you have your answers, I will add one little thing: although they do have adjoining cabins, they are few and far between so book early if this is an absolute must for you.

Happy cruisin,



Thanks so much for your replys. They have been extremely helpful. Adjoingin rooms is a must as we travel with our 5 children - 3 in one room and the younger ones in our room so we would need a quad and one with atleast room for 3 to sleep.
Happy Sailings!


We have cruised and travelled extensively with our children (although they are now older teenagers) and always ask for cabins that are adjoining or close. We have always been given these and it is no problem to simply go next door to check on the kids. We keep a room key at night to their room just in case. Also, you like us need to book multiple cabins and we have always booked guarantees to save a few dollars and have still gotten cabins right next door to each other. The cruise lines seem very accomodating for this. However, the actual reservations come with a parent in each room and we change on the ship to parents in one cabin and kids in another. Of course, if you absolutely need one of the few connecting cabins, you will have to book early and can't use the guarantee route. Have fun, the kids will love it.


Don't know the ages of your children, but if you can't ger ajoining cabins, you might find an inside cabin directly across the hall from your outside cabin. We have travelled with friends and they get inside and we outside. We sometimes leave the doors open so they have access to ours and come over anytime. You just have a hall between you, but if you have a stern cabin there is not much traffic. Inside stern cabins are very few though. I am now referring to the four Millennium class ships