<B>Add Favorite Cruise Link! Help our LINKS Section Grow!</B>



Hi Everyone, As you may know Cruise Addicts has an ever growing LINKS section. Its a YAHOO! like links directory that grows each day. Its my hope that with everyone's help we can make this one of the great cruise resources on the net.

So I'm asking for each of you to help me by adding your favorite cruise links or links that you see that are not already listed.

How to Add A Link?

1. Visit our LINKS section by click here or on the main menu above.

2. Select the appropriate category for your link (Travel Agents, Shore Excursions, etc)

3. Click on 'Add Link' at the bottom of the page.

4. Fill out the submission page and submit it. Your link
wll soon be added once reviewed and checked.

Our improved links section is a very powerful tool to find cruise related site. It allows for member reviews, ratings and even shows what links are popular with other Cruise Addicts.

Thank you in advance for your help and for being part of this community of Cruise Addicts.


Re: Add Favorite Cruise Link! Help our LINKS Section Grow!

I just submitted a link, John. What are the fields for image and the custom fields?
