Baby on the boat



My wife and I are taking our (almost) 1 year old daughter on the Sensation with us. We are also taking my sister-in-law with us to babysit and alternate shore excursions as well, as we do not want to take our daughter off of the ship. Our T/A said that she has seen many infants on cruises, but this will be our daughters first cruise (obviously) and I am curious if there is anything that I should be aware of regarding taking a child that age on board. A big question my wife has is if she is ok in the main dining rooms, and can she go on formal night. (My wife loves to dress her up!) I personally feel that since we had to pay the same price as an adult ticket for her then she should be able to go wherever we go. However we don't want to be obnoxious either. I realize that Carnival says that tipping isn't necessary for children under 2 years old, but what do you guys think about that, and what experiences did those of you have that took an infant on a cruise, OR am I totally out of my mind taking a 1 year old on a cruise ship?? :) Thanks!!

Post Edited (07-11-03 10:33)


I have seen infants on ships I have been on even in the dining room so I know it is done. Right now only you know how active or fussy your child is so you know how much work it will be taking care of your daughter.

I would say if your daughter starts acting up while in a dining room or public area most people would appreciate it if you took your daughter out of that area until they settled down. I think most must do this because I have not heard a fussy kid on a ship yet. If you figure you can handle it go for it. I personally don't think I would do it because I do not have the patience to watch a kid on a cruise. Of course I did take my kids on many land vacations when they were small but there are many more places to get away with the kids if they start to get fussy while on land.

I have thought about taking my grandkids on a cruise but only the older ones and more to take them on something like Disney.


Hey Jason,

Sounds like you have the right attitude, so go for it!! The fact that you said you don't want to be obnoxious tells me you'll be fine.

My wife and I have three boys, and we have always taken them on vacations. I actually have a video of my first son, when he was about your age, sleeping while we flew over Mauna Loa volcano in a helicopter.

When kids are not whining or crying, they make great entertainment for those around you - so don't worry about formal night. Every grandma on that boat will be googling and gurgling over your daughter. Besides, there's a lot going on in dining rooms on ships. Your daugther should be pretty well captivated.

We always brought one of those little cribs that fold up into a duffle bag and a baby back-pack. On cruises we also brought this little tent thingy we set up on the beach, so our babies wouldn't fry!! Check one out at <>

Good luck and enjoy your cruise!!


A child that small why not just leave them with "Grandma" so you can have a much more enjoyable time? Frankly, I would not travel with any child under 6 as they do not remember it and it costs you money?


I don't have any children yet but my personal opinion (sp?) is for you to do what you feel comfortable with. If you want your little girl with you then by all means bring her. I know that I love to see babies and it just makes me smile to be around them. I personally don't see a prob. with it and since you said that you have someone with you to take care of her so you and your wife can have some alone time I think that's perfect. Have a good time and enjoy your cruise. :)


As for tipping you could just wait and see if anyone does anything that helps where your daughter is concerned.


>> A child that small why not just leave them with "Grandma" so you can have a much more enjoyable time?

Well, she is a breast-fed baby so that wouldn't work, and if the baby ain't going then mama aint going, and that means daddy aint going!! :) Besides even though she may not have memories, it will be memories that we will have with her, and we are hoping to take many more cruises with her as she gets older. I just figure, why wait!!

Family oriented and Cruise Addicted! :)


Jason, I think you should go for it. You know your child better than anyone else.

I think that the argument not to take children anywhere they won't remember (I've seen people say that about cruises, Disneyworld, etc.) is two-sided. The other side of the argument is that although the child may not remember, it will become part of their "experience" nonetheless (although a young child doesn't yet have the language acquisition to express the experience later), and the parents will definitely remember golden moments with their child.

I nursed all of our children for a full year, and that kind of clinches the thing, doesn't it? I'm sure all will be well if you are considerate of those around you, which it sounds like you will be!

Happy Sailing!



I dont blame your wife. I dont feel im on a vacation if my children are not with me.
Who cares about saving money... You live once, enjoy it, and spend whatever time U can with your child, not WITHOUT them. Before you know it, they will be on their own, and probably not be going with . (although I hope to still take family vacations with my children and grandchildren if I have any...

Its all about family !!!

Have a great time

Mark and Laura

I have to agree, take your daughter.
It is not just her memories, they are yours as well.
Have we not learned in life there are no guarantees of a tomorrow?
You sound like you and your wife would handle it just fine. You have thought ahead to if she gets fussy you would do something about it and stuff like that.
Now just remember one thing that is most important, take lots of pictures and have someone else on the cruise take pictures of you all together.

The only thing I have a problem with really is the fact you have to pay full price for her? Now that is where I see it wrong.


Glory Oct 18, 2003
First timer!


You will have a blast with your daughter on the ship...

We have cruised twice with our son, 1st time he was 8 months old, 2nd time 23 months. The crew and other passengers were great with our son. The crew really enjoy seeing a baby. They played with him constantly. Only the Suites have bathtubs, so make sure you bring something to take a bath in. You can buy a travel inflatable tub-this worked great for us both times. Also disposable bibs, and a small amount of laundry detergent so you can wash stains out right away and not let them sit. We brought bottled water, you do not want to risk the ship water upsetting her tummy. On the 1st cruise when he was 8 months old-we took a backback stroller only--bad idea, he could not lay down to sleep in it if he got tired. Take your good stroller-it is woth it.

Dining room--The wait staff was great--they would take his food and heat it if I needed them to, or they would bring me a bowl of hot water to sit the food in to warm it. Whatever I needed they got it. The most recent cruise-as soon as we got to our table in the dining room Marek (Victory Pacific DInging Room) would have a bowl of fruit for our son. This would keep him occupied unitl our food arrived. One night we left his sippy cup on the table---it was clean and waiting on us when we returned the next evening, I figured they would throw it out. Your TA can arrange for a crib and a highchair for you. We bring our Pack-N-Play also, just in case. You may want to bring your own sheets for the crib-our son is more comfortable with his own sheets and blankies. I only had to leave the dining room once, and another public area once because he was fussy. As long as you realize other people don't want to be inhibited by your kid, you and all the other guest will have a great time with your daughter.

We took our son to all the formal nights, I like to dress him up, and we have great pictures from the cruises. We had grandparents to help watch him on both crusies, and we took along a set of family radios that way if they had him and needed us they could just call us on the radios. Invest in good ones and they can even reach you in port at most places.

We did tip for our son, the room steward and wait staff worked really hard for him. I would consider the service your daughter receives and tip accordingly.

We took our son on shore with us, we have a video of him swimming with the sting rays in Grand Cayman at 8 months old!

Hope this helps some, Have a great time...We are cruising on Victory 11-16-03 with our then 2 1/2 year old!!!!



Wow! Great suggestions I didn't even think about the tub and stuff. How did they handle the shore excursions for a small child, did you have to pay full price for him? I am doing the dive at Stingray city but my wife may snorkel and could bring the baby. Thanks everyone great info!!


I say go and with all these great suggestions you can't go wrong. The nice thing about a cruise is your never too far away from your room/cabin.

Have a great time and do post us some pics of your Baby Onboard! :)


I vote to take her with you. You are making family memories.
Most important items to bring are sunscreen, liitle sunglasses and a sun hat for her and please don't forget the bottoms of her feet when putting sunscreen on. When they lie in their strollers they often have their little bare feet exposed to the sun. I'm a grandma can you tell??
Also check the policy about babies in the children's pool with pampers or whatever. Obvious problems may arise. No pun intended


Personally I would leave it with Grandma. The reason is although you are one of the few parents that seem to care if you are obnoxious to other passengers you will eventually will be. People go on cruises to relax not hear a baby (no matter how precious) cry. The baby will not remember, would be much more comfortable at home, and you would have a much better time with your wife who probably needs a break by now. You would miss your sweet little baby and would appreciate her even more relaxed once you get home.


On the cruises I've been on, unsupervised teens are much more obnoxious than any baby. Or how about the loud, drunk guy in his speedo on the elevator during formal night? Or how about the guy who buys the Cuban cigar and smokes it on the Lido Deck when it's wall to people?

Since your baby is nursing, you gotta bring her and that's great!! Here are some snappy comebacks you can use:

"Our baby usually cries when she detects embiciles in the vicinity."

"Sorry she's so loud, but she's trying to cover your ignorant ramblings."

"I guess you wouldn't understand about a baby crying since you started your lifelong career of complaining in plain English at birth."

"Maybe we should just drop her on her head like your parents did to you. Whaddya think sport?"


Shiprat - LOL - those are great comebacks.

I seriously never remember being annoyed by any little one on our cruise. Older kids running down the halls at all hours or young adults puking in the hallway outside our room, and people way old enough to know better smoking like chimneys right outside the elevators momentarily annoyed me, but no babies.

Good luck and enjoy your baby, Giles612. They grow up far too fast!


Mark and Laura

----------USMALE WROTE---------------

Personally I would leave it with Grandma. The reason is although you are one of the few parents that seem to care if you are obnoxious to other passengers you will eventually will be.

This is my first cruise and again I am going to post here.
I think that the people who think your daughter needs to be left at home, need to find a cruise for people their age only/ideas. Ones that would suit them and leave the ships with kids and families to us!

I agree with ShipRat very much. What about the teenagers who DO KNOW better and still mess around? The underage drinkers who do puke everywhere, the "drunks" and "chimney" smokers? All of these obnoxious people are responsible for themselves.
Jason and his wife are responsible for their daughter and state they would pick up and take her away when she gets fussy and all.

Who picks the teen, drunk or chimney up?

Just my 2 cents again.


Sorry for taking so long to reply, just got back from Daytona Beach (no cruise :( )

Ever notice that people who are not baby friendly refer to babies as "it"? (Not trying to start an argument but just making an observation) I understand the apprehensions of taking a baby on board, and even though we have pretty much made up our minds I wanted to see what a general consensus would be, fortunately it has been very positive. Leaving our daughter behind would definatly NOT be a break. We don't need a break from our daughter, my wife would be so stressed she would have an absolute awful time if our daughter was not with us.

>> I'm curious...why don't you want to take your daughter off the ship?

Being overly protective :) I trust her on the boat with my sister-and -law and friends not the locals in Grand Cayman and Cozumel. However we are considering taking her on some excursions, I just need to see if we have to pay full price for her to go along.

>> On the cruises I've been on, unsupervised teens are much more obnoxious than any baby. Or how about the loud, drunk guy in his speedo on the elevator during formal night? Or how about the guy who buys the Cuban cigar and smokes it on the Lido Deck when it's wall to people?

Good point, I hadn't thought about that, I will mention that if someone questions me about it.

>> I vote to take her with you. You are making family memories.

After spending the week at the beach with her, we definatly want to take her now, we have so many memories and pictures that we can't wait until the cruise! We are in the beginnings of planning next years cruise with us and my wifes family as a result!!

Thanks for all the replies and support, we are going to have an awesome time, and now I know not to smoke cuban cigars on the Lido deck ;) (Just kidding)