Baby sitting Question



I aksed this question on another forum and never got an answer so was hoping someone here can give some input.

Me, my wife, and 8 month old son are going on our first cruise, May 1. I would like to spend just a little bit of adult time with my wife. Mainly just hit the casino one night and some scuba diving when we get to Cozumel and was wondering about babysitting.

I am mainly asking if anyone has utilized the baby sitters on Fascination (or any CCL for that matter)? any bad experiences? any good experiences? Can someone give my wife some piece of mind to know that our child will be safe.

Thanks in advance.


Babysitting starts at 10pm. and its a group setting.. Not in your cabin.
it cost 6 bucks an hour. You will be given a pager/beeper in case of any problems that come up.

if you want to leave the baby onboard in the morning while you do shopping.. they take the babies til noon for 6.00 an hour...but you have to pick the baby up by noon.

you can also utilize the camps--- with your participate from noon til 2 on sea days-- gives the baby toys and stuff to play on. kinda breaks up their day.

SInce it is your first cruise-- make sure you pack enough for the baby. diapers, formula, waters, etc. this stuff MIGHT not be found onboard-- and if so it will cost you dearly.

Pack very good sunscreen. sun is strong. sunglasses and a hat.

Babys can not use any of the pools.