Cancun has a very short depth.... The Sea has a 23 foot draft, there is only a foot or two to spare.... Other larger ships don't even bother to stop there, none of the ships out of Galveston or New Orleans of Royal Caribbean or Princess do.... The Dream and Wind have a 24 foot draft, and the Dream stops there.... Notice that when the Sun starts cruising out of New Orleans this year, that Cancun has been dropped.... Also notice that the Spirit's Western Caribbean cruises don't either.... The Sun has a 26 foot draft, and won't stop at Cancun.... Even as it is with the Sun and Dream, the ships drops anchor a long distance from the shore.... I believe the Sun will stop like the Spirit at the Caymen Islands instead....
With Star cruises eventually getting the Sun, Dream, Wind, and Majesty and with NCL building new larger ships, it won't be long before no one stops at Cancun.....