Balcony on Coral



Which deck is best for balcony on Coral. In the past we always booked Caribe deck on the Golden and The Grand due to the larger balconys on that deck . Is there a similiar situation on The Coral wher a particular deck is better then another??

Lady Jag

In one word, yes. The Caribe Deck balconies are just like those on the Grand. They are deeper. Make sure you get a mid-ship location on this class of ship, Bill. Our tablemates had cabins in the D200-300's and felt a lot of motion when the waves were only 3.5 feet! They were kept awake all night from the pitching and rolling. We didn't feel a thing in our mid-ship minis and loved them.

NOTE: For anyone who is looking to have adjoining balconies on this deck, just beware that not all balcony cabins have this feature. Every two cabins had a door between them, so if you're not careful, you could end up with a door to another cabin and not the one you wanted to have access to. (does that make sense?) :dizzy