the good news:
I had a driver take me from central Bridgetown to the free public beach nearby at Carlisle Bay. (sorry, not the west coast but very pretty nonetheless) He asked me when he should come back, and he was completely punctual.
the bad news:
Cabs are expensive.
The fare was $8 or $10 each way I forget, and it was not a long drive at all. I remember thinking, I could have walked this!
the good news:
he wound up taking me back to the ship at no additional charge (again, I was thinking, I could have walked this...but I'm an avid walker)
on the other hand, for $60, we got a quality 3 hour tour of the northern half of the island by a wonderful, personable driver.
the bad news:
our dining room table mates were at the same beach earlier in the day and had their shoes, shirts, and towels stolen while they were on a wave-rider. Fortunately their valuables were with them. This can happen ANYWHERE but is a reminder to keep an eye on your things. Poor guy, he had to walk back to the ship, shirtless, through downtown Bridgetown, which is considered extremely rude by local custom.