BED BUGS !!!!!!!



I have read on several boards of people saying , that they wake up in A.M. w/ bites on them. YUCK !!! Anyone have any input on this ???


I have never had this to me but I would pull the sheets back and check our bed before we get in it.


Ewww. No, I have not had, nor have I heard of, anything like that happening.

However, I'll admit that I'm a clean freak, and I take a small can of disinfectant spray on every cruise. I spray the entire cabin, including the bedding and floor. Can't help myself. LOL


Blue Chef...that's funny that you also take a spray can of disinfectant with you! I thought I was the only crazy one that does that. My traveling companions always make fun of me when they see me whip out my can of Lysol and spray down everything...and I do mean my cabin. But low and behold a few minutes later I get a knock on my door asking if they can borrow my Lysol!


I've only had one bite. Woke up one morning and there was a whopper on my neck.


I'vre never encountered any bed bugs on my two dozen cruises, at least that I knew about.
I don't worry about the ship itself or staff being clean--- I worry about who and what has been in the cabin the week before me. We take a small can of Lysol and spray the heck out of everything. I go one further--- I take a small bottle of bleach--- (something like a small sample shampoo or lotion bottle in my shaving kit ) ) and run water in the sink, dump my small amount of bleach in and proceed to use a wash cloth to clean the bathroon, especially the commode and floor area. Works like a charm, only takes a few minutes and I don't have to worry whether or not it's clean before I plop down.

Just so you never run out of things to wonder / worry about, they never change the bedspreads. I never lay or sleep on them. I pull them off, and put them up out of the way. Who knows what is on them ??


That is pretty disgusting about the bedspreads! That is something I've often wondered about on the cruises we've taken and hate being on the bedspread itself. I usually bring my own pillow cases to put on the pillows...thinking about the bedspreads makes me want to take a duvet cover for it or just not use it at all!


Carnival now has new bedding on its ships. Duvet covers are white. I think if you are seeing bedbugs-- on a white blanket-- they wil show up easier.


GOOD IDEAS with the lysol and bleach !!! I agree about the bedspread. I saw a report on that one time. They said that they do NOT clean the bedspreads in hotels, cruise ships, etc. and the things that they found !!!! Well..... I will leave THAT to your imagination. But, I KNOW that I read at least one review where the people woke in the a.m. to bites on their body ! Grosses me out ! I will broing the disinfectants BUT.... do they actually work if there really ARE bedbugs ?? =shake


I don't think that disenfectants would have any effect on bedbugs but as far as a lot of common germs, etc. I would think it would help . At least it makes me feel better. The little bottle of bleach and cleaning down the bathroom is the big thing with me.
We can't live in a cocoon but at least we can fight back a ittle.


And to think of all the kidding I have taken from my family about being a neat freak because I do the Lysol thing. I am so glad to see that I am not alone. I also put a bottle of hand sanitizer on the vanity and everyone is required to grab some upon entering and leaving the room.

I know that Lysol may not help with the bedbug thing, but I like to think that my precautions helped us not get sick on the 3 cruises that were "nowalk" plagued.


I haven't been on a cruise - yet (May)! But having done a lot of traveling in the rodeo circuit with my daughter we had to stay in some pretty out-of-the-way places and some were pretty scary!

My solution is to take Clorox wipes and wipe everything down. Nothing to spill!

For my hands (ever been hanging around a horse and shaking hands with cowboys and someone comes around and hands you a hamburger?) Purell hand sanitizers in the packets! You can tuck a couple of packets in your pockets or bag and off you go!

I have these items already to go in my cruise stuff! Not that I'm a little anxious....


If the spread moves on it`s own, you might have guests.
Nite nite don`t let the bedbugs bite.