Beer / New Cruiser / Tips



I am going on my first cruise in Oct. We are leaving from Tampa on Carnival. I was just wondering if you can take beer on board? We are driving to Tampa, so we will have no airlines to worry about. Also could someone give me some guidlines on tipping on a cruise? Thanks in advance!!!!!!!


On our carnival cruise I know of people who brought their own beer. We brought soda aboard. Should not be a problem if you put it in your checked luggage. Be sure to put them in baggies incase one opens.
On the tipping, they are all put on your sail and sign card. You can take off whatever you want. We did at the purser's desk. No questions asked. If you use room service, you should tip them 1 to 2 dollars. That's the only people we tipped. Enjoy!


Carnival's alcohol policy.

Am I allowed to bring my own beverages onboard?
Guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages on board. Fine wine or champagne may be brought on board during embarkation at the beginning of the cruise only. A $10 corkage fee per bottle will be charged should you wish to consume this wine in the dining room.

Guests may bring a small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages. Excessive quantities, to be determined at the discretion of security and/or embarkation personnel, will be confiscated and retained by Carnival until the cruise is completed.

Guests may purchase a variety of beverages onboard the ship. Alcoholic beverages will not be sold or served to anyone under the age of 21. We reserve the right to refuse the sale of alcoholic beverages to anyone. Alcoholic beverages purchased in the ship's gift shop or in ports of call will be retained by Carnival until the end of the voyage.

Note: The legal drinking age onboard is 21 and is strictly enforced. We do not allow the purchase of drinks or bottles of liquor by adults for minors. Possession of alcohol by a minor will not be tolerated and any found will be confiscated, even if found in cabin.

Ass to tipping your sail & sign account will be charged $9.75 per day per person with $3.50 going to the room steward, $5.50 to the dining roon wait staff and $0.75 to alternate dining staff. You may go to the purser and have the tips adjusted up or down or have them removed enitrely and tip on your own on the last day.


excitedcruiser wrote :
"If you use room service, you should tip them 1 to 2 dollars. That's the only people we tipped. Enjoy!"

I am just curious what rationale you use to tip the room service personnel who brought you food, and not tip the dining room staff who also brought you food. I guess you didn't use the ice to ice down your soda you brought on board that was replaced daily by the room steward???

I'm very sorry but your advice is not the generally accepted form of behavior for cruisers. The room steward and dinning room staff work very hard for their tips, and to stiff them is welllllll...NOT KOSHER ~~!!~~

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I agree. I'm appalled that someone would not tip their dining room servers and room steward. I'm stating this, knowing that they work for a base salary of approx $50 a week and depend on tips to survive. They work so hard and it upsets me to know that some people stiff them for no reason whatsoever.

I guess you were nicer than I was Joe!



I'm normally a lurker on this board and rarely post unless I feel I can add something. That something is the fact that I totally agree with Joebat1 and Dean. My wife and I have cruised many times and I can honestly say we have always given more then the recommended amounts unless the service was not what we expected from our previous experiences. Since you state you are a first time cruiser, when you get aboard take note of the way the room stewards and dining room staff work and the hours they put in. If you have some time, talk to a few of them about their job and how many hours they work. I sincerely find it hard to believe that knowing the facts, anyone would "stiff" these employees unless their service was awful. We have received great service, good service and even at times service that I thought should be better. But I could never bring myself to reduce or to not leave a tip. Instead, I told the staff member what I thought should be improved and that I was dissapointed and then gave them the tip. Did it teach them anything for the next cruise? Who knows. All I know is that my conscience was clear that this person did not serve me for nothing. Bring some beer on the ship in a suitcase and later figure how much you saved and that will cover some of the crews tips. The most important thing is to enjoy your first cruise to the max so that as soon as you get home, you'll be thinking about going on another one. Have a great cruise, relax and follow your heart. -Bill


Here's my opinion.....

If you're too cheap to shouldn't be cruising!



Put the beer in the checked luggage and please TIP! You sleep alot better at night!:AL:USA


We will be first time cruisers on the Carnival ship out of Jacksonville on March 2004, and we have the gratuity added to our cruise bill, wish we will gladly pay, but we think of this as the minimum and do plan on tipping the room steward and anyone that brings us room service.



If you can not afford the tip, you do NOT need to be cruising to start with!Sorry, I am in total agreement with Yoray and Joebat1!!



dont be a 'lurker' anymore. you gave a very good and helpfu reply and have helped me on this post. come out of the closet ( or lukers area ) and give us your input on other things.

have great cruises, dusty


excitedcruiser.. sorry to tell you but you are a cheapskate!
these people live out of those tips.. you like to be treated nicely but not even be thankful?
I cant believe some people! people like you should not cruise.


I may be wrong, but the impression I got from reading Excitedcruisers post was that the regular tips were paid on their S&S card and the only personal (or extra) tipping they did was for room service.


emerald if you read excitedcruisers first post on this thread he clearly states that he went ot the purser and had his tips removed. Then goes on to say that the only people he tips are room service.