Best Rooms with Less Movement/GRAND PRINCESS



Hello, we are planning to book a trip on the Grand Princess. We will either be getting an inside room or an outside. We are concerned about the noise factor and also which rooms are the best for feeling less swaying of the ship. This is our first cruise and we are hoping not to be sea sick. Also how are the western Caribbean cruises in February as far as weather? It's not too cold in Mexico for snorkling etc is it? That would be AWFUL!! Thanks for any help. Pughaven2003


The Grand is a nice choice for your first cruise.

As with all ships, the closer to the center of gravity you are, the less movement you will feel. Given that, an inside cabin as low in the ship as you can get, and as close to midship as you can get will give you the least movement. But I don't think you need to take it to that extreme, because the difference between the least movement and the most movement isn't that much in the grand scheme of things. Most of the noise and vibration is in the aft, and the worst movement is at the bow.

For your first cruise I'd skip the inside, you may not like it. Take a midship outside instead. Most of the outsides on the Grand have balconies... if you don't want that, you can get a midship outside down low on the Plaza deck...sort of near the purser's lobby. I think another really good choice for you would be a midship outside on the Emerald deck, in the E400's section; most have obstructed views, but if you are considering an inside cabin, then you probably won't mind. They're really good because they're cheaper, and you still get sunlight even though there's not as much of a view. Plus they're set back a bit (less movement). If you decide on a balcony, take midship on Caribe.

February is a great time for the Western Caribbean... it's never too cold for snorkeling down there.

If it's this coming February, you'd better hurry...they sell out fast and you may not have much to choose from.


We were in cabin s c104 and c108 felt no movement in the very fron of the ship had a great balcony cain on the caribe deck for less that 700.00 perpson it is the only way to travel the grand princess :)

However i saw the inside cabins and they are huge on the caribe deck, soooo much space, for me and oceanview would drive me nuts because i cant open the window, and it doesnt make sense to pay that extra money, but thats just me, but if you shop the internet you can find very good prices:

right now i am finding that has fantastic rates, and i search over 20 sites before booking :)

Happy Sails...

Also Yahootravel, has some great rates on costa cruises right now


The Caribbean is very nice in February. We prefer it over the summer when it is really hot/humid. The weather is very nice and pleasant. No problems with snorkeling in February. I agree the best place to have a cabin is near the center of the ship on one of the lower decks (Emerald/Dolphin). FYI, this ship (Grand Class) is so huge it does takes a fair amount of rough seas before you can feel the motion of the ship. I have not seen as many individuals having motion sickness problems on these ships as say the Dawn or Sun Princess which are the next size smaller.

I know it is one person's opinion but having been on this ship and other Princess ships I would look at going on the Star Princess to the Caribbean over the Grand.......


Thanks for all your help and advice. I am curious to know why you would pick the Star over the Grand. Pughaven2003


We went on the Star Princess in April, Grand in July then the Star again in October. The short time between sailings gave us an opportunity to compare things. The Star is a much newer ship. On the Grand we found many things broken or non-functional in our two cabins. Most of the problem items were not something the staff could fix. It was annoying that every time we opened a particular drawer the handle fell off, could not shave/blow dry hair in the bathroom because the power outlet didn't work, etc...

As both of these ships are classified as "Grand Class" and are sister ships the internal layout is a bit different. One big difference is that the Star has stairs mid-ship from the Plaza deck to Lido deck and the Grand doesn't. The deck plans on the Princess website show they both have them but they weren't on the Grand when we traveled last year. Our stateroom was mid-ship on the Aloha deck (one below Lido) and it drove us nuts that we had to walk to the front or back of the ship anytime we wanted to go one deck up to the pools or buffet. As my wife and I are not anywhere near retirement and like to burn off some of the 6,000+ calories injested daily, we usually take the stairs and avoid the elevators. There are elevators mid-ship on both ships but find them to be real slow and the wait long.

The Star had a true, full 24-hour buffet. They would serve dinner all night until the start of breakfast. The Grand would shut down the buffet about 11 PM every night and only have desserts, fruit, cheese and cracker type snacks until breakfast the next morning. For someone that is from the east coast and traveling the Caribbean they could probably care less about a full dinner after 11PM but if you are from the west coast like us your body clock is saying it is only 8 PM. The shutdown was annoying if you wanted to eat later.

The staff on the Star was wonderful both times. The staff wasn't nearly as well trained or friendly on the Grand but I don't hold that against the ship itself. Princess for the most part turns over the entire staff every one to eight months depending on their classification. The personel on the Grand today could be on the Star next week. It was just one more of those little things that didn't make our trip on the Grand as nice as the trips on the Star.

Lady Jag

It's definitely not too cold to snorkel in February unless there's some storm going on at that moment.

For the Grand, we've cruised twice during the same exact week. The first time, the weather was perfect - hot, low waves and little wind. The second time, it was very windy, there were big waves and it was cloudy 95% of the time. The week before our Coral cruise, they had huge waves, wind and lots of clouds. The next week when we went, the seas were flatter than our swimming pool, it was sunny and hardly any wind all 11 days. The moral to this story is: you can never predict the Caribbean! =dunno =huh

As far as cabins go, I would aim for a cabin that is mid-ship on a lower deck. We've been in the aft of the Grand and I'll never do it that way again. :nono


The wife and I were on the Golden, physically the same ship and tonnage, sailed on her in October. Out of the five days, one day we had 17-20 foot swells. Only then did we actually start to feel something. and I do underline "somthing"

At the rear of the ship where we saw quite a bit of shows there, there was some real jerking motions, but not enough where anyone got sick.

Have a great trip!



Definitely go with the oceanview stateroom, it usually isn't much more expensive, but being able to have a view of the ocean is a huge bonus because of the extra light, it seems more spacious. Check and see if you can get an oceanview guarantee rate - you would pay the least expensive rate on the ship for an oceanview and while you can't choose your stateroom location, you may get a big upgrade.

Before you confirm a stateroom, look at the ship's map and see what on the floor over your stateroom. Avoid being under a nightclub or dance floor, kitchens can be noisy in the early morning.

Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!

Best Regards,
Julia Elzie