Blast from the Past...


Forum Manager
Staff member
OMG those are young people lol

red stripe

Staff Captain
And remember the story behind the balloon shot!
what a laugh that was.

for those that were not there..
it was another of the group cruises. Two members had arranged a trivia type hunt.

seamom and I paired up.
we are all given a paper with a set of questilns on it.

off we go. Lokking for where certain things are around the ship etc.
then we read a question asking for a ships measurement. Cant remember if it was the measurement of a lifeboat or the actual ship.. we see a member of the crew and ask him.
he takes the paper out of our hands and reads the question.
he hands it back to us and asks why we are even asking him..AS the answers are all on the bottem!
they had given us one of their q and a sheets.. and we had not even noticed!

so..naturally we could not go on and participate. But we decided to have fun with them.

I remember that a few of the questions were ones that you could only guess. ones that they were looking for the team that come closest.

back we go.. butter would not melt in our mouths..

they start to ask the questions and everyone gives thei answers. A point for being right.
We are acing it!

we get to the “ closest guess” questions.. and we answer it right on the money! An impossibility.

they are completely confused. How are we doing this?
so although they smell anrat, they declair us the winners..
they give us the prize, and we immediately present it to the team in second place..thenREAL winners.. then hand over our paper so they can see why we were so darn smart..

that photo was us two laughing our off
Good times


Staff Captain
Killing ourselves laughing… and then Tread(Toby) gave me a big congratulatory hug, ice cold, wet from the pool and I was drenched.

red stripe

Staff Captain
I rember Tread so well.
he had left North Pole Alaska..(where they lived at the time.. ) to join this cruise. Temp in Alaska when he left, was about minus 68*

two days later he was melting in the Caribbean. I think he lived in that pool.

red stripe

Staff Captain
Seamom.. he was always Tread to us too.

for those that did not have the pleasure of meeting him.. his name was Tobyn Read. his board name was Tobyn.. t-read.. so to darn near all of us.. he was stuck with Tread ;)


Staff Captain
Seamom.. he was always Tread to us too.

for those that did not have the pleasure of meeting him.. his name was Tobyn Read. his board name was Tobyn.. t-read.. so to darn near all of us.. he was stuck with Tread ;)
Just as you both have always been (affectionately) Red and E (Einstein!), here.


I'm on Island Time
Staff member
I was just trying to get him to check in and reply! By @tagging him.