booking with discover


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Never booked with Discover, actually never had a Discover but no matter
as far as the cruise line is concerned it is just another credit card and they
will process it accordingly. Whatever happens beyond that is between you
and Discover, based on what kind of a program you have with them as far
as perks.

Cashback, my wife might know about it, I'm still trying to figure out what it means........


Able Seaman
Never booked with Discover, actually never had a Discover but no matter
as far as the cruise line is concerned it is just another credit card and they
will process it accordingly. Whatever happens beyond that is between you
and Discover, based on what kind of a program you have with them as far
as perks.

Cashback, my wife might know about it, I'm still trying to figure out what it means........

you should use your discover we enjoy cash back and we pay off our card every month its great. I am not employed by discover and have no monetary beneifits by telling you this. i just hate for you to miss out every couple of months we get 50.00 dollars cash back and we apply it to our credit card
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