hi, we were on the summit last jan. and at that time they made it very clear that no liquor was to be brought on board. also, you could buy liquor in the onboard shop but it would be delivered to your cabin the last night. i understand things have changed since then.
my husband pours my scotch into a plastic vodka bottle (breakage) and then in a plastic freezer bag (leakage). it gets packed into our non carryon luggage.
we don't do it so much to save money, although on a ten day cruise, thats part of it. we like it because of the convienience. we always have one or two drinks while we are getting ready for dinner (on a cruise) and don't really care to call room service. 1, our drinks are better and 2, who wants the cabin steward knocking on the door while you are dressing or in the shower. i can make a drink in 30 seconds. why go thru all that?
we leave plenty of money at the pool bar and casino. if we didn't have it in the cabin, we wouldn't order it anyway so they are losing nothing.
someone on a previous post mentioned that it is the captain of the ship that decides about bringing liquor on board, not the cruiseline. i hope the captain on the galaxy wants us to have a good time!!!! brigitte
ps my husband has learned something over the years. he asks the cabin steward where the ice machine is and he always gets his own. that helps after a late night in the casino and also while we are getting ready for late seating and they are busy making up the cabins for the early seating guests. (sorry this was so long)