Cab to Cabbage Beach? (Nassau)



How much will a taxi ride for 4 cost to go to Cabbage Beach from the Straw Market? Last time we took the ferry over to Paradise Island and never again! The packed us in like sardines, and then shoved in about two dozen more people! ::eek: Is it flat fee and do you have to pay the toll also?


Taxi to Cabbage Beach is $3 per person each way. Here's a review I found.

Beautiful beach - can walk to get food or use bathroom at local hotel. only problem - locals won't leave you alone selling their goods. really got very annoying. you can't be nice and say "no thank you" - they don't get it. bugged us all day to braid our hair, sell us t shirts, necklaces etc. if you like, you can rent beach chairs from them - we got 2 for 15.00 but the guy kept our 20 dollar bill saying "tip for me". oh well. other good thing if you like to drink - all the rum you can drink all day for 10 dollars - out of a real coconut! they mix it with various mixers, or you can just go virgin and drink fruit punch. only place to get water or soft drinks would be the nearest hotel - part of the atlantis i think. we got there by taking a cab form the cruise ship dock - 3 dollars a person. much cheaper deal than the shore excursions the ship was selling.


Thanks! Planning to get a cab this time to go to Cabbage beach... No more ferry for me. ::eek:

ps... saw your signature line! I'll be in Vegas next month! can't wait!!