Cabin Upgrades



This Nov we sail on the Summit, last October we sailed on the century and thoroughly enjoyed it, when we got on the ship we noticed a lot of people going up to guest services and asking for upgrades, is this a way of getting a better cabin for free?? I should add, no-one got an upgrade as the ship was full !!


Free Upgrades happen when/if something unusual occurs with the bookings prior to sailing. Sometimes if you book a guarantee say Lowest outside cabin, the cruiseline will upgrade you as they see how booking go as the sailing date approaches.. This enables them to sell your orginal cabin at a lower common price or whatever they can get. All sorts of reasons really. Some unknown I sure. I have yet to sail on a Celebrity ship that does not have a sign the first day that says the ship is full. But I know that that is not usually true so indeed you can get upgraded BUT...they charge you for it.


Best way to get an upgrade on Celebrity is to pay for a guarantee. Choose the poorest cabin class you'll be satisfied with, and you will be guaranteed to get at LEAST that good of a room; perhaps something much better. But then again, you might be stuck with that class of room too, so make sure you will be satisfied with your guarantee.

Asking for an upgrade on the dock is chancy. They are not easy to persuade, but it may be worth your efforts. Their literature says you can buy an upgrade. They say they will subtract the brochure price of the room you booked from the brochure price of the room you want to determine the price of the move. Our experience was that the upgrade came at about half the difference between the two rooms, so we felt we were getting a bargain.

As "BSeabob" says, they will almost ALWAYS say the ship is full, so you may have to do a little pressing to get what you want.

Good luck.


Cheers guys, we already have a guaranteed grade 1a (premium with balcony), but I fancied a Sky Suite !! no harm in trying, as a brit, we tend to take what we get without complaining, however we are trying to rectify this by pushing our luck.


p.s. cool flags dan, where did you get them

Post Edited (06-23-04 17:12)


Right here on the board for this site only

Me :CAN & u would be :UK

but we in the colony won't hold that against you :)


I see a lot about cruisers who seem to want free upgrades. When you think about that from company's viewpoint, having free cabin upgrades just does not make sense unless the ship experiences a big backlog of people wanting the lowest priced cabins and willing to pay a competitive rate for them. I've talked to some booking folks who work for the cruise lines and they basically all say the same thing, When you book a certain cabin category with a guarantee, the line is free to slot you into any cabin in that category. So if a specific location/room is really important to you, you should probably not choose this option. When you do choose this option, you are guaranteed that category of cabin and may move up one cabin category. Generally, this move up is from an inside to an inside, unless there is a vacant cabin with a portholoe and it's your lucky day. There are other factors, of course--number of times you have cruised, etc., but in general, that's what you can expect. You can always ask at boarding, but keep in mind that until everyone checks in, no one on the staff will know if something becomes available. (Sort of like taking your seat on a full flight and waiting till the door closes before you know if you can stretch out.) Come to think of it, there was a time when you could be bumped into first class without paying a surcharge because---who knows, It happened to us just once (sigh) but I don''t hear of it happening anymore. And we were upgraded from an inside to a cabin with a porthole once--the cabin was way at the "pointy end" of the ship and it was quite a hike from the elevators, but it was pleasant to have the little round porthole to peer out of.


Hi there,

I agree with the majority of folks posting on this topic. On our cruise last month we got upgraded at the dock from a Cheapo Balcony cabin gty to a FULL SUITE on the HAL Zuiderdam. This was all due to the perserverance of my phenomenal Travel Agent We have used him (3) times and each time he has been DYN-O-MITE, not only with upgrades, but cabin credits, low price etc. I used to scout OBSESSIVELY for the absolote lowest price I could find, then book via a web based agency. Now I know better. If interested in more tidbits send me an e-mail @


Thanks for all the info, and cheers bseabob for the flag shortcut, I see myself as :UK in the absence of a cross of St.George and probably a bit of a :pIRATE.

As it would probably get me into trouble to take a Sky Suite by the sword wearing a Tricorn hat, I might try to do it by persuasion. Yo Ho Ho me hearty's