Can I get my suit drycleaned or only pressed?



I usually get a suit drycleaned right before I leave home and then pack it for the cruise. Usually it is a tad wrinkled, but not bad enough to be worth paying to have it pressed on the ship.

I just realized, maybe instead of having my suit drycleaned at home before I depart, maybe I should just have it done on the day I arrive on the ship. That way I guess I can have it ready for the first formal night without paying any "express" fees.

Does anyone know if this is possible? A good idea? And finally, what is the current cost to have a suit jacket and slacks drycleaned on board?


Im not sure of the price offhand,but it is a great idea........we do this all the time.........we,too,used to dryclean and then pack my husbands shirts,pants,etc..............of course,they didnt look as good when we got onbaord and from now on,as soon as we unpack,we put aside the "laundry" and the steward will take it the first night before he turns down the bed......

It costs about the same as on land.....and yes,you can also do just a press and not dryclean............


It seems many have wised up to this method ..... Drycleaning and laundry on the ships are about the same as on land. We always take my husband's tux and have it drycleaned the first day - and it's as good as new to wear on the first formal night. I've had minor spills on my clothes - that I immediately have laundered so the spots don't set before I can get it home and in the laundry. The clothes come back clean and pressed - better than I do at home!


Yup, the ship does offer pressing only. I never iron things before a trip because I know they'll come out of the suitcase wrinkled. I always have my shirts and tux sent out for pressing first thing after I get my luggage.


Be carefull with expensive suits,

I had a suit dryclean once on RCCL and the lapels where badly press at a point I tought my suit was ruined. I was scared until I return home and my dry cleaner repair it.

Sometimes some not very well trained employees can do bad damages to your clothes.