Can you bring alcohol on board?



I know that the rules prohibit bringing "adult drinks" aboard, but my group has done so year-after-year on RC's Enchantment of the Seas. In fact, one person bought a case of Corona at Cozumel and carried it aboard wrapped in a paper bag. While sending it through x-ray, the ship attendants just smiled and waved him on.

This year our group is trying NCL. Has anyone tried to bring drinks aboard and NCL ship? Please relate your experience.


I bet he didn't bring the beer on recently....RCI is cracking down, but not as much as they said they were going to. NCL is still the strictest of all lines so the answer is no and if you do try to send it through in your sent luggage you may be caught. If so it will be confiscated and returned the last night.

The reason for all this? Just what your friend did, a whole case. When people started trying to brink 1/2 their home bar on board cruise lines started saying "I don't think so"
